Nick Cave fans?

I've become a huge fan of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds during the past year or so. He is so eclectic, ranging from the punk-laden angst and rage of "Murder Ballads" to the darkly humorous (and sometimes tender) songs on "The Boatman's Call."

Any other aficionados out there? Favorites? Best shows?
no, have not seen that video. Where can I get a copy? And did they record anything together?
Hi guys

If you want an additional recommendation, check out a UK band called Cousteau.

They have two albums out - their self titled debut and their second, 'Sirena'.

They have been favourably compared to Scott Walker and Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds.

I've taken the liberty of copying the amazon review for you...

Cousteau is not the first or last bunch of young men to have lit upon Scott Walker's epically lachrymose solo albums as a design for living. However, very few other bands have trudged in Walker's weary footsteps with quite this much poise. Cousteau is possessed of a confidence rare in debut albums, and the really good news is that Cousteau is often nearly as great as Cousteau clearly think it is. Their stock-in-trade is the grand pop ballad, a form that has been sadly neglected as too many new groups have drifted towards irony to justify a fondness for strings, sweeping tunes, and heartfelt lyrical sentiment (The Divine Comedy, for example). The songs on this album (Cousteau) are, without exception, lovely--"The Last Good Day of the Year," indeed, is worthy of being sung by Glen Campbell--and Cousteau plays it resolutely straight, falling in behind the alternately soaring and swooping vocals of Liam McKahey with a versatility that would do either the Bad Seeds or Tindersticks proud. --Andrew Mueller

enjoy. enjoy

The film to which you are refering is the Wim Wenders directed "Wings of Desire." This film was later remade in the US as "City of Angels," starring Nicolas Cage. Alas, Nick Cave was apparently not invited to do a cameo in the Hollywood remake.
Has anybody seen the video of Nick Cave and Shane Mcgowan singing a duet of "What a Wonderful World"?
The version of "Helpless" is on a tribute disc called " The Bridge", a tribute to Neil Young.
Blackie...thanks for the clarification...they performed in a movie...can u name it? I believe the director did Paris,texas as well...could be off here again...but harm in trying to redeem myself...
Phasecorrect, hate to pipe up again but Simon Bonney was the singer for Crime And the City Solution, not Rowland.
Also...Crime and the CIty solution...Rowland S Howard's band after the b-day party...pretty cool stuff...although his vocals are an acquired taste....
Tweakgeek: Just don't stare at the cover illustration too long, and then hit the road thinking you're Rat Fink, straight outta Ed "Big Daddy" Roth! :-)
Birthday Party "Junkyard"
My nomination for best album to listen to when you are enjoying a BAC of .15 or above.
Also...Cave did a cover of Neil Young's "Helpless" on a Neil Young Tribute album(?) I believe...anybody have any additional info on that?
Yes, Alex, I like Fairport, too, esp. Unhalfbricking, Full House, Liege and Lief. The post-RT and Sandy Denny Fairport didn't do much for me.
I heard his version of "Oops..." on NPR's Fresh Air - pretty funny. I'll never be the world's biggest Thompson fan, but I do enjoy the very early (late 60's) Fairport Convention (his original band). (BTW, anyone into his brand of rock electric guitar work might also want to check out some Richard Lloyd [ex-Television] stuff). Likewise, I preferred Husker Du to anything Mould has done since, but in both cases I can't see too much of a Cave comparision.
Me, too (i.e., being a 5th rate RT)! RT has even been throwing in a Britney Spears song (Oops, I did it again) into some of his shows! What it proves, is that he's a musical alchemist!! He can make anything into gold...he's simply fantastic. Maybe a RT thread next?!
Hi Cpdunn99...

Yep, I meant is as a backhanded compliment. I'd kill to be a 5th rate Richard Thompson! :-) I think Richard Thompson is one of the most amazing, dynamic live acts and his albums are usually pretty great too. I called Nick Cave second rate because I think he could take a few more tricks from Richard's bag and learn to edit himself a bit better at times. I think Nick's very good and he's an amazing performer, but not yet quite as good a songwriter as Richard Thompson is. Bob Mould had similar issues when he went into RT mode on his "Workbook" album (but I still loved it).
Interesting observations, Phild! But, "2nd rate Richard Thompson?!"

At first I was offended, but then I reconsidered. Richard Thompson (with and w/o Linda) is one of my all-time favorite musicians/singer/songwriters, so at some level, anyone else is indeed 2nd rate (except Dylan!).

I can't wait for the new album. Thanks for the heads-up!
I saw his "acoustic" No More Shall We Part tour. The band was Nick on grand piano, a bass player, a drummer (?? I think??), and whatshisface from The Dirty 3 on violin. I never saw a Bad Seeds show, but I was impressed by the dynamics and power of the band. There were quite a few amazing moments. Some of his songs (especially lyrics) can be a bit much at times, but I enjoyed them much more live than recorded. A lot of his newer stuff reminds me of a 2nd rate Richard Thompson...the way he repeats and builds...repeats and builds. It's quite effective on some songs and a little boring on others. That said, I was still very impressed by the live show and would gladly go see him again.

He has a new album coming out in February.

Should have guessed you'd show up here!! I'll look into Birthday Party...thanks for the rec.

Sean, yes I heard his recent shows have been great; power-packed, raw, and intelligent. He's a really smart, and angry, guy...good combination for interesting music!
I was a Birthday Party fan (his original band back in the 80's, for those of you who only know him from his solo career). His stuff since then has mostly not been to my tastes. I liked him better trying to be a post-punk Jim Morrison fronting a noisy rock band than trying to be a post-punk Johnny Cash or Tom Waits sitting at a piano. I prefer some distorted guitars and screaming with my pretentions of poetry, and they did it well. Still, you kinda gotta like the guy - he's just cool that way.
I caught Nick in concert about 15 years ago. It was a good show, but he said that he was tired of the USA and wanted to get back home. Guess he's still singing that same song 15 years later : )

One of my buddies just saw him play here recently. He said it was a great show. I would have went too if i would have known that he was playing. Sean
He does some Dylan covers, too, in concert.

I read that he is giving up touring because he is too old!! Dylan is 61 and still going strong! I don't think Nick is much over mid-40s.

I think Dylan and Cave have something of a mutual admiration thing going. See this link:
He does a killer, haunting version of Neil Youngs "Helpless" on a tribute album from a few years back. Lot of good covers on the disc, but worth the price for this particular song alone.
i dont consider myself as just a fan ,i live the lifestyle as well, probably one of the most original guys out there,
besides ,the pricks album it has been an amazing evolution of his style,let love in, was a turning point in his style,
he also sings with j cash on his new album, the wim wenders until the end of the world movie you get too see him sing until the end of the world ,great movie too ,my wife is now a big fan as well after i took her to his concerts, i like the whole clan and their evolvements,mick harvey,anita lane,
i am a big diy guy and use him for vocal references(he loves tubes)
Been a fan for years. His album "Your Funeral...My Trial" was pressed on two 45rpm LPs and sounds fantastic (besides having some great songs). You can't go wrong with any of his albums but two of my faves are "Henry's Dream" and "Tender Pray".
I strongly recommend his newer CDs, then:
"No More Shall We Part"
"The Boatman's Call"

Also, he has some very interesting ideas about songwriting, the "muse," etc. that he explores in two lectures that are also available on a single CD: "The Secret Life Of The Love Song" and "The Flesh Made Word."
I used to listen to him but I almost forgot all his albums since it was a long time ago.
I'd probably come back to listening to him again very soon or even I'd grab some record collection if for the descent price.