Nick Cave fans?

I've become a huge fan of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds during the past year or so. He is so eclectic, ranging from the punk-laden angst and rage of "Murder Ballads" to the darkly humorous (and sometimes tender) songs on "The Boatman's Call."

Any other aficionados out there? Favorites? Best shows?

Showing 2 responses by phild

I saw his "acoustic" No More Shall We Part tour. The band was Nick on grand piano, a bass player, a drummer (?? I think??), and whatshisface from The Dirty 3 on violin. I never saw a Bad Seeds show, but I was impressed by the dynamics and power of the band. There were quite a few amazing moments. Some of his songs (especially lyrics) can be a bit much at times, but I enjoyed them much more live than recorded. A lot of his newer stuff reminds me of a 2nd rate Richard Thompson...the way he repeats and builds...repeats and builds. It's quite effective on some songs and a little boring on others. That said, I was still very impressed by the live show and would gladly go see him again.

He has a new album coming out in February.
Hi Cpdunn99...

Yep, I meant is as a backhanded compliment. I'd kill to be a 5th rate Richard Thompson! :-) I think Richard Thompson is one of the most amazing, dynamic live acts and his albums are usually pretty great too. I called Nick Cave second rate because I think he could take a few more tricks from Richard's bag and learn to edit himself a bit better at times. I think Nick's very good and he's an amazing performer, but not yet quite as good a songwriter as Richard Thompson is. Bob Mould had similar issues when he went into RT mode on his "Workbook" album (but I still loved it).