Nick Cave fans?

I've become a huge fan of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds during the past year or so. He is so eclectic, ranging from the punk-laden angst and rage of "Murder Ballads" to the darkly humorous (and sometimes tender) songs on "The Boatman's Call."

Any other aficionados out there? Favorites? Best shows?

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Also...Crime and the CIty solution...Rowland S Howard's band after the b-day party...pretty cool stuff...although his vocals are an acquired taste....
Also...Cave did a cover of Neil Young's "Helpless" on a Neil Young Tribute album(?) I believe...anybody have any additional info on that?
Blackie...thanks for the clarification...they performed in a movie...can u name it? I believe the director did Paris,texas as well...could be off here again...but harm in trying to redeem myself...