Next step in Turntable


I am currently enjoying my re-start of analog and LP’s 

Pro-Ject Classic 
Hana SL
Musical Surroundings Phenomona II+
Anyway, I’m finding That I really enjoy the LP life 
I’ve found a system that is quiet, dynamic and detailed with no real drawbacks 

so, As usual 

If I wanted to take the next step,  in Analog playback , at what level and price should I be looking at 


"$10k seems very reasonable"

If that's the case, then you're also dropping minimum $3-5K on a phono stage at some point to make that 10$K investment sound the way it's intended. Existing phono stage needs to step up with the new table.

Big picture is you're dropping 15 large when all said and done.

Just another perspective here. $10K can also buy a better phonostage $3-5K and a Rega P10 -arguably enough audiophool performance to satisfy plenty of owners who have 'been there, done that"  with nice setups. You may even be able to find a deal with the Apheta cartridge.

P10 or a Technics can be a significant upgrade for the dough. A used VPI might be realistic also, but you need to know exactly what you're getting for the money.

All those tables suggested can be end game but, you still have your existing phonostage.
like crack, it probably won’t end at …$15 k….

nor will the LP collection…

the Bardo BTW is a direct drive….
I got a vintage luxman dd-289 high performance turntable with a Mali phone stage with ortophon blue.  I get great detail with a sweet sound. You can get top of the line vintage Turntable for less then 1k in excellent condition you already have the Hanna your almost there.
If 10K is reasonable, try a Rega P10 or a Linn LP12 Akurate with a suitable phono stage.  I'd set the floor at something like the Rega Aria Mk3.

But I'd still say just buy and enjoy more records . . . 
I went to the Herron VTPH-2A from that same phono preamp you currently have. The Herron is $2500 and it’s worth far more given its performance. You DO NO need to spend $5k on a phone stage. Go hunt down a Herron and be set for life. We’re in the same boat regarding turntable. I need to upgrade mine too.