Newbie looking for amplifier advice


After much painful research, I decided to purchase a Ryan R610. I heard Sonus Faber, Dynaudio, Magnepan etc but decided that a bookshelf is the best fit for my apartment living room.  

Room is 19x12x8 with carpeted floor and huge glass window. I have been advised Belles Aria but wondering if there is a DAC integrated around $2500 which can match this amp.

Specifically, the Parasound Halo catches my attention but am concerned about DAC longevity and have been hinted that Parasound isn't such a value for money as, say, Emotiva. 

Anyone run a Ryan/Belles combination? 
Andysingh, It's been 4 months.
Have you made a decision? How did it turn out?
I am seriously considering the Belles! But then I couldn't give a crap about streaming. ;^)
The Belles is outstanding.  I've heard their integrated and separates. If I was in that price range, They'd be on the shortest of lists for me.  When played with the Vandersteen's it's a great combination for sure.  The timber, timing, depth of soundstage, detail etc... all come shining through.  They mate well with most speakers as they have a good amount of power and drive to them. Very neutral amps.  
I haven't made my purchase yet as I haven't been able to save the money.

I am am going to stick to streaming or audio CD because a lot of new vinyl is being pressed with digital masters. 

Unless one enjoys the ritual of playing a record, and the cover art, I don't personally see the point of vinyl. I can only afford digital for the foreseeable future 
Just focus is what I always tell folks.  It's much easier that way I feel.  I think I'd focus on getting the best DAC for now that you can afford as a Codex will last and sound better for longer than anything in it's price range.  Some feel others are the same, so go listen for yourself, but I was at Suncoast Audio today and we spoke about the Codex being a 5k DAC selling for 1800.  Mike runs a great shop, like Johnny R does and he sells Vandersteen, Magico and Rahdo (spelling), Focal and one or two other.  All very high end speakers and all higher end gear.  He has a wonderful ear and has the passion that Johnny has.  If I lived in FL, he's my guy, no doubt.  I personally don't like the Emotiva gear at all, but that's me.  I do love NAD or Rotel at the lower range (if you can't afford a Belles let's say).

That Ryan speaker is a really nice speaker, but I still like the Vandersteen's better for the same price.  There are so many ways to go, but I like how Johnny thinks and he will be able to take your real budget and not the one you hope to have (don't we all do this? lol) and help you put together a system you will and can love for a long time.  

Op, what amp did you end up buying? I picked up a pair of 610’s for fun after reading so many good things about them and I have to say they are impressive to say the least.