New Yggdrasil - First (and second) Impressions

Okay, so I’ve finally (on order over 2 months) received my Schiit Yggdrasil. The unit arrived in exactly perfect condition (i.e. well packaged).

Upon first (and second) listening through all sources/inputs, I would need a stethoscope to discern any difference among my current components and connectivity. I also cannot detect any difference using the phase inversion button.

I suppose the aforementioned is a testament to how good my current system (before/without Yggy) already sounds. :)

I can easily A-B test because the Yggy is hooked in via balanced and my other components are also hooked directly to amp via RCA or USB.

Also, obviously I have NOT let the unit "burn in" for days because I just got it, however, it has come to full operational temperature after being powered on continuously over 24 hours.

System configuration: (Yggdrasil > XLR > Musical Fidelity M6si integrated amplifier > Golden Ear Triton Reference speakers )
all cables blue jeans cables "best" offering

Emotiva ERC-3 CD player > AES/EBU > Yggdrasil
Oppo UDP-205 blue ray player > coax > Yggdrasil
Samsung SMT-C5320 cable box > optical > Yggdrasil
Gateway NV79 Windows 10 64-bit computer > USB > Yggdrasil

I’ll be patient, but if there are any suggestions to "try" in order to hear *some* audible difference, that would be great. Appreciate any feedback you have.


Showing 2 responses by bcgator

I couldn't hear any difference in dacs up to $2500, through perfectly respectable speakers, electronics and cables.  I tried, it just didn't happen.   So I'm not the least bit surprised that you're not hearing it either between the Oppo and Schiit.   Might things "change" over the next month or so, sure, but you'll never know if it's the placebo effect and your mind trying to justify the expenditure.  So you have two choices - if the money means nothing and you really love just collecting gear, keep both.  I own 4 sets of speakers, so you wouldn't be alone there.  Or, if you can find something better to do with the $2K - home improvements, weekend getaway, funding a philanthropic endeavor, whatever - return the Schiit and find yourself holding $2K you'd already mentally said goodbye to and do something else with the money.     But it's a safe bet that if you haven't already had your "wow" moment, it's not going to happen.
Yes, you and I are on the same page regarding speakers vs. dacs.  I agree that that is where you hear the biggest differences, that's where I've had my "wow" moments, both good and bad.    Get the speakers right for your room and listening tastes - and assuming you have an amp capable of driving them properly - and there's a pretty good chance you'll be happy with your system.