New to Turntables

So I was thinking of venturing into the world of turntables…..

I have it narrowed down to 3 possibilities…..

Mofi Ultradeck with Ultragold cartridge…. A $1495 cartridge pre installed….

Music Hall 9.3. with Goldring Eroica Lx ……. A $900 cartridge pre installed

Pro-ject X8 Evolution with Sumiko Moonstone cartridge…. A $350 cartridge preinstalled

All three prices are within $250 of each other….
With the Music Hall having the lowest price…
But I’d have no problem going for the MoFi…the most $$$$
The X8 was the lowest price, but not by much…..

I’m just guessing here, as I have been out of the turntable game for 30+ years, that once you get to turntables in this price range, the cartridge is very important for the sound…. Maybe I’m wrong…..

Should I go with the turntable that has the most expensive cartridge ?
Does price equate to quality ?

Is the most expensive the best cartridge ?

Thanks for any insight



I would not overthink it too much, but rather jump in at a comfortable financial level. Then try to figure out whether this whole vinyl thing is agreeing with you, and learn what you like/dislike about that platform. Without a reference point, it is difficult to find a direction.

I would think more about functionality than sound. For instance with the Mofi you need to move belt for 33/45 speed change, whereas the Pro-ject has button. Do you have significant holdings in both 33s and 45s? Is that an issue for you?

At that level, there is one more important factor, the phono stage. I would consider PS equally important as cartridge. I would think that with any >1K TT an external PS is step up over a built-in from "normal" integrated amps/pre-amps.

None of the choices will sound as expected without a decent  phonostage. Expense can be subjective as the table. 

 I basically don't have any albums at this point..... just a couple of remasters....

As far as phono stage.... I have a Mcintosh preamp, with fully configurable Phono inputs for MC or MM cartridges....

If I use turntable on my other system, I would need a Phono Preamp....

Any suggestions for external preamp ?

Moving the belt on the motor spindle doesn't seem like a game breaker.....

would take 5 seconds to do that...

So in the end, is the cartridge and tonearm the most important factors ?


The cartridge, tonearm, turntable and phonostage are all of great importance. In general, over the decades the sweet spot for me has been the turntable (with all its components) investment equal to the phonostage investment. I am sure there is some slop in that generality at the lower levels. But for me a $5K investment in a turntable was compromised unless I made a similar investment in a phonostage. At this point I am at the $20K / $20K range. For the over fifty years I have been at this, I have constantly had the phonostage compromising the sound of my turntable. Which is a waste

Personally with virtually no albums I would not be going down this rabbit hole. Unless you have an unlimited budget vinyl will get VERY expensive fast. Just my own 2cents worth.