New NanoFlo Superconductor Holographic 3D6 AC Power Cable Review WOW


NanoFlo gel is available for self application on Audiogon classifieds. New pictures show surface area treatable with 0.1 ml is 38 square inches and one application all you need by following the treatment directions. 

4 thousand,….for a power cord. ? Hahahahah, open your wallets, and buy your 12$ power cord for 4 thousand….

there is a sucker born every second. 

4 thousand, Hell, that’s a lot of single,malt, or a years worth of discogs used records, or all the,complete,discography box sets I can get,

that,would take,care of my,Japan,cd purchases for a long time. 

wasn’t there a 50k cord?? Thought read it in here somewhere?

anyway, you people with,too much money, drop 4-5 K on that 12$ cord. Hahahahah

i bet the sound will make koalas and sloths move at records speeds 

the delicate nuances of every piano key floats subtly and magically around your body as you try to “believe” that 4 thousand dollars you just wasted is actually giving you more resolution, airy timbre’s, that,”in the,room”  trumpet you hear with your new,cord is like nothing you have ever heard, the electrical positive ions and Komodo vomit sure works wonders on the specially formed by hand,molded , formed with melted,marshmallows with the elliptical lathe was cutting that,special cord injected with multi cellular lemon grass effervescence. 





A Merry Christmas to you. How do you feel today on this day where so many think of others before themselves? The irony here Chris shouldn’t escape anyone, that your name Christopher finds its origins many centuries ago and literally translates to “Christ bearer”. SO, when we are asked if we are upholding our name, what will you say?


Chris, you owe @glory money and you are not honoring your money back guarantee on his return of these cables. There is still time for you to act before EBAY and PAYPAL do it for you. If you wait then no one will draw the conclusion that you are honorable…


To all of the Audiogon community, have a great day and know that we must all do our due diligence when making a purchase. Nanoflo, Enterprise Coatings and Chris Arnold deserve extra scrutiny. Peace


You should post a brief summary of your unpleasant transaction with @nano-flo on this thread. It would be unfortunate if someone else were to believe a money back guarantee from this vendor has any particular value.


Nanoflo and its owner originally posted an Ebay listing with a money back guarantee (which he has subsequently altered), which he is flatly refusing to honor for our very own long time Audiogon member @glory 


Proceed with caution, if they wont honor their very own money back guarantee, then it is an ethically questionable outfit. Our community should be outraged at someone like this dropping in on our hobby to try to make a fast buck.


Starting around page 12 of this thread….


Things are getting HOT over on the Whatsbestforum on this thread now ! 🤔😄



The WBF post is no different than the article you posted, and was posted there by the StereoTimes reviewer . He started an Audiogon thread on this cable that was deleted by the mods a week or so ago. The WhatBestForum post pretty much generated zero interested based upon the lack of responses; one of the 4 was his. That said, one of the WBF respondents brought attention to this Greek audio cable company that apparently has been using a nanotobe technology since 2016, and has patented power and other cables.




I posted negative about this cable last time there was an overly superlative thread and my post was deleted so I guess they are a site sponsor.


WOW!!! I read that this power cable uses the same technology as the Flux Capacitor used in Back To The Future!  And this cable is only $3995! Amazing!

I am still using the NPS 1260 fluid on my connections and I still find it impressive.

I’m not really sure as to the actual conductors/connectors that are used with this latest version. The earlier versions that I have seen on eBay were basically a standard household cable with the Nano-flo applied.

Perhaps this version is different.
