New McIntosh MA 8900 Integrated amp

Does anybody have any experience, or know of any professional reviews?  This new model is intriguing to me because it offers an upgrade-able DAC module, as well as both MM and MC phono inputs, and home theater pass through.  Also has good power at 200 wpc.  If the audio quality is there, I like the way this unit could reduce the clutter and cabling that would go with connecting a separate DAC and phono stage.   Also, I've never bought a McIntosh product, so does anybody know if dealers ever discount?  This particular unit is not available for online sales.
  I have bought many new McIntosh products. Some dealers will discount. I used to do business with a McIntosh dealer in Los Angeles, who routinely gave me 20% off the MSRP. I haven't seen or heard the MA8900, but it looks like a good unit. Do you live close to a McIntosh dealer? If so, you should go and hear it. I owned a McIntosh MA6200, bought new in 1980. It was a great unit, and didn't have anywhere near the features of the 8900. 
Well, there is a dealer here but they don't keep much McIntosh in stock.   Which means they would have to order it and therefore would have no incentive to give me any sort of discount.  I may have to try over in Dallas.
 mtrot, please log onto the McIntosh website. They have posted a review of the MA8900.
@ scorpio1951,

Thanks.  Yes, that review is what got me interested in the first place.  I was also hoping to see if anybody had personal experience yet.
Today I got to listen to the MAC6700 receiver with the new Wilson Alexia speakers and Nordost speaker cables. I am told that, in terms of amplification, the MAC6700 should be much the same as the new MA8900 integrated amp.  

I will say, the amp is dead quiet.  I would describe the sound as powerful and clear, with decent sound stage and decent highs, but I am not sure the Wilson tweeter is the best match for the McIntosh amp.  It seemed that on some crescendos the highs got a bit "shouty"and harsh.  Vocals were smooth and precise. Bass was decent but didn't seem to reach that deep to me.  Overall, the sound was impressive but I can't say it seemed that musical to me.

I realize that the sound today of course was affected and possibly limited by the room, which did not seem to be treated much.  I do think I would like to hear the 8900 some time with different speakers.
  mtrot, try to hear  the 8900 before buying the MAC receiver. Ideally, the 8900 with a good quality McIntosh tuner will outperform the MAC receiver. That is, if FM is important to you. 
@ scorpio1951

Thanks, the tuner is not important to me at all.  I'm now considering getting a pre-amp that includes home theater bypass instead of an integrated amp.  This would save me several thousand dollars and I would just connect it to my Krell amp.  The only fly in the ointment might be space in my equipment rack, as I would not be getting rid of the power amp as I would if I got an integrated amp. I'm now looking at the McIntosh C47 preamp, but it turns out there are scads of other pre-amps with home theater bypass that I need to consider.
Have you checked Accuphase ?
The e-470 integrated is in the same class as the McIntosh, also Accuphase has some fantastic pre amps, not sure about pricing in the US, as they differ a great deal country to country.
Good luck with your search.
Thanks, those Accuphase are beautiful pieces. They seem to be more of an "old school" approach than the McIntosh units. It also looks like you have to pay separately for DAC and phono input modules.   Also, I can't find any info on US dealers.  If there are no local dealers, that is a problem for me, as I am not particularly tech savvy and experienced.
There are plenty of US dealers. Call Ivan Messer at Legend AV for the best deal on Accuphase.