New Fritz Speakers: Carerra R

For fans of Fritz Speakers....   It looks like John has retired the Carrera BE and replaced with it with a new Carrera R.   Beryllium tweeter is gone and a new soft dome is replacing is.  Maybe the R stands for Relaxed?   Pricing has also been dropped and he's specializing them for $2300 on US Audiomart


Showing 2 responses by larsman

I don't know if he still is, but he was making a floor-stander for awhile.... 

@j_andrews - I had a pair of Carrerra BE's and I enjoyed them very much while I had them. I ended up selling them in a speaker upgrade a couple years ago. 

@tksteingraber - Fritz is great to chat with, yeah? When I bought my Carrerra's, he brought them to my place in San Francisco and we hung out for about 3 hours talking about this, that, and the other - very cool guy, Fritz!