New amp for Vandersteen 2CE

Hoping you can help me narrow down my choices for a new amp for my Vandersteen 2CE speakers.  I have been using a pair of Adcom GFA565 monoblocks.  They have ridiculous amounts of power, but I don't come anywhere near using it all and I would like a little more clarity in the midrange.  I have two used amps I'm considering - a McCormack DNA 0.5 and a Pass Labs Aleph 5.  Another option would be a fully restored/upgraded Adcom 535/545/555.  Source is a Sonos Connect with a passive attenuator for volume control.
Thanks for the help!
there are a few very good older threads, discussing the poor quality DAC in the Sonos as well as well as jitter issues
I just got a Schiit Bifrost Multibit for my PC, and am very impressed with it.-Especially, the price-about $600 bucks. They also have a return period.
I also use the McCormack DAC-1 and recommend it highly. 
I'm thinking Parasound ZDAC, DAC Magic, Benchmark DAC1, or the Bifrost.  Hadn't considered the Multibit, but it does look interesting.  Obviously just going to have to try something and see how it goes.
Congratulations on the amplifier purchase!  Hope it brings a lot of long term satisfaction.

As it seemed you felt open to consider tube amplification, the best amplifier I have listened to with Vandersteen 2 speakers was the Music Reference RM9. At the time, this amplifier - loudspeaker combination retailed for $4500, and sounded simply magical. Pricing has risen slightly, yet the sound will still beguile.

Your concerns for the children would also be taken care of by the tube cage.
I am going against the grain here, but doing so with a little experience with these companies. First off I am a Parasound fan. The A21 (which I own) and the A23 are engineered by John Curl. He is a very good engineer. I have also owned the DNA125 model of McCormack. A great amp but it developed a slight hum. Nevertheless it was old so I thought it was very good before it developed the hum. I have had three Odyssey pieces and was disappointed with all of them. They all developed hum and spurious noise even when one piece was new. I cannot recommend this company.

So the two amps I had from Parasound were the best for my 2CE Sig IIs. I had a 5 channel amp HCA855 which was very powerful for a HT amp and the A21 which has just been outstanding.