Need to learn about Audio Research

Still exploring amps and preamps to go with my Magnepan 3.7i. 
I've always heard about Audio Research being a great match, but I'm not familiar with the brand at all.
I'll need to shop the used market since the new gear is way out of my price range. 

I am looking for a high power (100wpc +) amp and a preamp that has remote control. I'd like the preamp to be tube, and the amp could be either solid state or tube.
I don't know at what point in the model lineup remote control was added, but it appears most of the older gear did not have a remote. 

Any AR experts here?


I have an Infinity FET preamp that I’m going to put up for sale. Back in the day, The Absolute Sound claimed it was one of the three best preamps in the world alongside the Audio Research SP-1 and the Mark Levenson.

Anyone have an idea of what it’s worth? It’s serial number 329, one of the last made. I’m the original owner and bought it directly from Infinity.


Check on hifishark search the unit, click on sold/expired and that will tell you the prices others have listed it for.

The fellow from this ad likes to look at his Jeff Rowland gear so much he had to have it in the background in every picture


Thanks! Looks like mine is in better shape than the one in that ad, and I have the original box too.

I really enjoyed this dialogue. I too (soon), will be looking out for a tube pre-amp.

It's all good information. THANKS.


I have rebuilt Maggie 3.3rs and have used lots of different amps on them, including Rogue Magnum 120s - pretty powerful tube amps. Maggies really like to slurp good quality high power. Ultimately they are at their best actively biamped with 200-250 wpc  (8 ohms) amps that double into 4 ohms.  

But you can't easily biamp the 3.7i, so I would look to an amp at least 200/250 wpc into 8 ohms that doubles wattage into 4.  Parasound A21 is pretty beastly and does that.  I would also consider supplementing with multiple subwoofers set very low in gain.