Need preamp recommendation

Hi everyone :)

I am in the market for a 2-ch preamp to go with my power amp, and am looking for some recomendations. Will prob go used, as I think I can get more value for my money. I would like to limit the sale price @ $4k.

Do I want this?:

Maybe something else?

Thanks in advance.


Turntables can use different kinds of cartridges.  One of them is “Moving Coil”. They put out less power and need a different pre-preamp.

Hope that helps.

+1 for ROTEL MICHI P5 
great preamp excellent sound 
lot of inputs and outputs including 4 pairs Balance   XLR Support MQA render decode unfold gorgeous looking preamp 
Take a look at the Decware ZPRE. You also might take a look at Manley labs pre amps as well

a tube pre may soften the sound more than you would like

I actually like the tube sound, and some softness. A little softer is better to me, coming from the LFAC days.... but too much, I agree, isn’t good either.

Audible illusions modulus 3B .At the price on the used market unbeatable and it come with moving coil stage if need be .
ROTEL MICHI P5. Fantastic preamp. It has all you need. Tone controls xlr imputs and DAC is Ian other level.  I got it under 4k with tax. Very transparent sound. Actually amps will make all the difference.  Consider it before committing to any other option

by the look of your setup you like your music sounding sharp

better stick with a solid state pre -- go ayre, top of line w4s, maybe a used klyne... a tube pre may soften the sound more than you would like

More good ideas - thanks!

What about a Rotel RC-1570, or a NuForce MCP-18? The latter being almost too inexpensive... :/

Second AVA, or search eBay for older McIntosh Conrad Johnson, Dynaco or similar tube preamp
What about Van Alstine? A tube pre-amp. There is one listed for sale on Audiogon (with amp, though). I'd like to hear people's thoughts on Van Alstine- it looks really reasonably priced.
I'll 2nd the Don Sachs Linestage.  I purchased one on a whim just to check it out and ended up selling my AR-Ref-5se and my PS Audio BHK Reference.   God bless Don Sachs.  Wonderful man to do business with and a spectacular product! 
Buy either a deHavilland or a counterpoint and send it to me for upgrades. Best you'll ever hear when I'm done. Happy listening

Thanks for all the suggestions! Keep 'em comin'!

Naim CD > Preamp? > B&K power amp > B&W 605-S2


What is the rest of your system?
It's hard to make a recommendation without knowledge of the other components.
I agree that the LTA preamps are enticing. I personally would want the one below. I've read that it can sound a bit lean so matching with amplifier is key.
^ LTA MZ3 would be excellent. and I'll add the Don Sachs Linestage for a little more tube bloom
I want the LTA MZ3 ... has a great headphone section too (world class). Their Berning ZOTL design runs the tubes at lower power for longer tube life. The is said to be an extraordinary preamp/headphone amp. $3700

They also make a full size preamp with onboard power supply, with more inputs. Sonically, it’s exactly the same.
What power amp do you have?

What features do you need from a preamp? I've been looking at preamps extensively as well in that price range. I have been curious to see what tubes would do in the chain to go along with a SS power amp.

These three are on my short list - and can all be found under 4k used. The Rogue is a hybrid design and the other tube are all Tube. The Rogue and Backert Labs are made in the US if that matters.
- Backert Labs Rumba 
- Rogue Audio RP-7 
- Primaluna EVO 400