Need help with Eversolo A8

When I steam music on my Eversolo A8, the last 5-10 secs of the songs are being cutoff. It stops abruptly and goes to the next track. Do I have a setting messed up or what do I need to do?


Have you tried asking on Zidoo Eversolo forums ? There is a lot of information about all Eversolo models and Zidoo support people read them frequently.

I can't remember but there might be a setting either in the Eversolo and/or on the streaming site you are using about transitions between songs which you set a second or two between or have one fade into the other. 

What streaming service are you using?  If more than one is it happening with all of them?

I'm pretty sure that Apple Music has options regarding the space between music in the settings on the Eversolo.