Need Help! My Class A Amp Is Running Very Hot

Hi, currently I own a Luxman 590 Class A 30watts Integrated. After the unit running for more than half an hour if I put my hands on the top of the cabinet over or around the vents  it is burning hot , I even feel the heat on the sides of the cabinet, other than that the amp sounds good. Can anyone tell me if that’s normal or I should get it check out?
Thank you  in advance for your advice.
OP--for a definitive assessment on operating parameters by someone who is really going to steer you in the right direction whichever situation unfolds---Join Luxman vintage yahoo group. The moderator there Hans is invaluable for info on Luxman. He is an archivist and a wealth of knowledge on anything Luxman.
I had a vintage class A/AB Luxman once. It did not  get hot enough ---there is so called class A and then there is true CLASS A---which may all that is going on here and coupled with internal heat sinks most assuredly results in higher temp. Although I did not read enough to gather whether you bought this used .. As Correct bias is paramount. Contact Hans for his 2c. Actually not sure he is moderator but that doesn’t matter. He is based in Europe I think. One time ordered a manual from him if I recall correctly. Long time ago. Be sure though that you actually communicate with Hans himself.
OP, all amps are different, so don't be sidetracked too much by remarks about other products. As some above have recommended, I would first want to find out how hot your amp actually gets. Terms like 'hot', 'burning hot', etc, are all subjective.That being said, I own the L-590AX, and was concerned about heat before the purchase. After owning it for a couple of years now, my assessment is that the amp gets what I would describe as "pretty warm". Certainly nothing approaching burning hot, I could put my hand on it anywhere, for any amount of time.Good luck, please let us know what you find out.
Get a KILLAWATT AC power measuring device for $20. It will tell you how many watts you are drawing. End of story. Its a very useful device, logs yoiur KWHr, time, voltage current, watts VA. I have 6 of them
+1 @ramtubes and erik,

Plug in the L-590 to a KILLAWATT to verify if the bias as specs

Power consumption 330W
260W (under no signal)