Need Help! My Class A Amp Is Running Very Hot

Hi, currently I own a Luxman 590 Class A 30watts Integrated. After the unit running for more than half an hour if I put my hands on the top of the cabinet over or around the vents  it is burning hot , I even feel the heat on the sides of the cabinet, other than that the amp sounds good. Can anyone tell me if that’s normal or I should get it check out?
Thank you  in advance for your advice.

Showing 2 responses by builder3

OP, all amps are different, so don't be sidetracked too much by remarks about other products. As some above have recommended, I would first want to find out how hot your amp actually gets. Terms like 'hot', 'burning hot', etc, are all subjective.That being said, I own the L-590AX, and was concerned about heat before the purchase. After owning it for a couple of years now, my assessment is that the amp gets what I would describe as "pretty warm". Certainly nothing approaching burning hot, I could put my hand on it anywhere, for any amount of time.Good luck, please let us know what you find out.