Need advice on subwoofer for maggies

I’m looking for suggestions for a sub to pair with my .7 Maggie’s. I had to sell my Magnepan 2.7’s along with my Vandersteen 2q due to downsizing. Yes - I am heartbroken 😢
I purchased a pair of .7’s and need a strong sub. Amp is a Adcom 5500 - along with matching pre. They sound great but I prefer a bit more low end. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. 
Interesting. I also have a pair of .7's.

My system is set up in my son's old bedroom and so it's in a smaller space. I'm using a pair JL Audio Dominion d 108's and to me, they're a perfect match for the .7 Maggies.
I tried the Maggie’s bass panel and was not impressed. It was an improvement but weak and thin sounding. Thank for the suggestion though.
I must say I’m VERY impressed so far with these suggestions. I did purchase a SVS SB4000. I must say it exceeded my expectations. Incredible response and solid sound. So far I’m loving it. I’m still working with room placement and tweaking via app (super handy) but I think it’s a keeper. Thanks for the suggestion. 
See if you can audition one of these:

Read the FAQ.  Look at the product selection.  

Maybe you can arrange something.
fwiw - The "no cost" home audition supported by SVS is a great idea.  I run a pair of SVS SB1000s with Totem Forests (as well as Silverline Prelude Plus) floor standers.  Support from SVS was very good before and after the sale.  One died and they provided a replacement under warranty, no problems.  I found these subs very flexible with continuous adjustment for phase (not just a 0/180 degree toggle switch) along with crossover and gain.  They integrated easily and other than a blue led when active, call no attention to themselves.  Can't predict how easy integration with Maggies or Focal monitors will be but other than your time, not much to lose if they don't work out.
That’s a great option - and I’m intrigued by their return policy. I may order myself one and check it out. The video and specs are impressive. 
I was thinking of trying a pair of SVS with my Focal 1008 monitors. They offer a free home trial along with free shipping to and fro so hard to beat. I have not heard them so I can't comment on the sound but they do seem to get good reviews and are very affordable at least IMO.
