Need 25 foot interconnects

I just moved around my equipment so that the rack with the preamp and digital sources is on the left side of the room and the monoblock amps are just behind the left speaker on a short platform on the floor.  I’m using a 15’ RCA interconnect right now, but want to move each monoblock to just behind each speaker — which means I need a longer cable.  The monoblocks are unbalanced RCA input only but my preamp can do balanced XLR or unbalanced RCA out.  Would a balanced XLR cable plus an XLR to RCA adapter work for this setup and be my best option?  Or should I just get a Belden (or similar) 25’ unbalanced RCA interconnect?  Or is there a better option?   


Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

If you were starting wtih a preamp with differentially driven outputs, and an amp with differential inputs starting with XLR cables would make sense.

I use the term "differential" to mean the + and - terminals carry equal and opposite voltages. Some preamps or amps have fake XLRs.

Anyway, lacking this, the RCA to XLR conversion is an opportunity to introduce noise and distortion in the line, so best to be avoided if possible.

My advice:  Try the unbalanced with cheap RCA cables first.  if the noise is acceptable then you can upgrade.  If on the other hand it's a noisy mess, you are going to have to find something better.