Naim Uniti Star/Nova and Turntable

Currently researching a 2-channel setup and leaning toward the Naim Uniti Star or Nova and would like to know if anyone uses a turntable with the stream/amp?  Thoughts? 
The Atom at least has but one analog input, so a TT and SACD outputting analog would be a PITA, defer to caphill on # of analog inputs on STAR or NOVA
Caphill is correct on the Oppo. Best thing is to rip all your discs to a hard drive and store on a Nas.

We run roon and can play storred  dsd files on the Nova.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

@tomic601 - thanks...I have already made a spreadsheet of Naim Audio Uniti Series that details inputs/outputs specs. Nova is the only device that has 2 RCA inputs unless you use the RCA to 5 pin DIN input and there are 2 on the Nova.

@audiotroy - I have all my disks ripped to FLAC on an external HDD that I currently play through the oppo 205. Honestly, I’m not real happy with the sound quality of the oppo 205.

Mbroadus both the Naim and the Micromega can read stored files from a NAS so you would be good to go with either of these devices.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Naim and Micromega dealers
@audiotroy -  I’m currently researching the Micromega M100/150, thanks for the suggestion.