Naim Uniti Star/Nova and Turntable

Currently researching a 2-channel setup and leaning toward the Naim Uniti Star or Nova and would like to know if anyone uses a turntable with the stream/amp?  Thoughts? 

Showing 4 responses by tomic601

The Atom at least has but one analog input, so a TT and SACD outputting analog would be a PITA, defer to caphill on # of analog inputs on STAR or NOVA
Maybe via HDMI
not sure
you might try the two NAIM groups I mentioned 
the FB group is monitored by some of the support folks in Canada and there are quite a few members with Uniti range products 
 @audiotroy yes I stated the Atom is A/B

NAIM is cagey about the overall architecture...

there is clearly an A2D in the box and a DAC, where they are cagey is IF analog input REMAINS analog all the way to speaker. Many have asked and NAIM remain cagey....perhaps you could elicit a written response. NAIM forum and NAIM FB group both asking...

Since you brought it up, the Optical encoder or some other volume control component has a physical mechanical rub - the note back from NAIM techinal support says “ the rub is intentional “ That strangely crude rub, the cheesy speaker wire terminations, and the sometimes balking application are my only beefs.

I assume when you later refer to “you” you must mean the larger Audiogon communty of “you”. I have no need for something else, in fact I may drop down in powerfor grins...say a Music Reference RM-10
I have an Atom with Phono via Basis 1400, REGA OEM 300 arm w BSSIS silver wire, Lyra Delos, HRS base. into a NOVA II phono pre. I use Kinber speaker wire out of the class A/B NAIM into Vandersteen Treo CT.......sounds great !
while the Treo is designed to be an easy load, the NAIM is fairly gutsy amp. Best $3 K because my wife loves using it to stream Tidal and access our 3 K ripped Cd collection on the NAS.

the amp is A/B but the front end / volume control has some digital elements - NAIM has been and continues to be a bit cagey about this on the forum and FB page.

me ? I think it sounds great for a mostly all in one box...