Naim and Elac Adante, Wow

The new Elac Adantes are creating a lot of buzz both good and bad.

We were mixed on the speakers initially as certain sonic aspects were fantastic while others were less then satisfactory.

The Adante AS 61 has a relatively low sensitivity so we thought 40 watts will not be enough.

Surprise the Naim Uniti Atom with Wireworld cables produced an intoxicating sound.

The Atom is warm and punchy so the combo matched perfectly.

Elac and Naim fantastic together and affordable.

3k amp which includes dac and streamer,  plus 2.5k speakers other then cables and stands this combo would make a lot of people very happy.

We would urge prospective Adante purchasers to seek out this combo these two products mesh while other combos of electronics with the Adantes may be why some people are not liking the speakers.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Sorry Tomic,

Hate to disagree, but your arguements don’t hold water, an "aerodynamic" midrange driver will eliminate reflections off of the parallel surfaces behind the driver’s surface.

A tapered tube is designed to funnel the back wave energy away from the cone in the first place, by redirecting the rear wave into a transmission line loaded tube with different densities of stuffing material, this result would therfore would be much more effective then by just removing some reflective surface material behind the driver, without a mechanisim to redirect and disipate the back wave, you are not really accomplishing all that much however, it would still be an improvement over a driver that is not built to control the rear wave in some manner.

As per bonding a carbon skin to balsa that is why Richard got the patent, howerver, JM Labs and Thiel were bonding Fiberglass skins or metal diaphrams to light weight damped foam cores for years so again where really is the innovation in that? Is Balsa and Carbon fiber better than a Fiberlgass sheet over foam or is that marketing hype? Can you prove that claim?

Unless you actually measure the different bonded drivers ie a Focal vs a Vandy driver you really don’t know one is which is better in terms of the drivers response and  less risidual coloration.

What started this is someone claiming "revolutionary" we are refuting that by saying that there are other engineers who created composite core/cone diaphrams earlier. Which one is better is open to conjucture.

Considering that Vandersteen is the only one to use this cone vs Focal who uses their own, the world won’t really know.

Tomic you could also conjucture if you built a diaphram that was inherently light and stiff and self damped you wouldn’t need to try to bond materials together, wouldn’t it be great if that diaphram woud exisit.

I guess you might want to look at Magico or YG or Rockport’s diaphrams or Kef or Paradigm or Vivid.

I guess a company that could spend $4 million dollars developing all their own drivers wouldn’t have access to any and every state of the art measuring device know to man both Kef and Paradigm as well as B&W have state of the art research labs do you honestly think that their cones aren’t perfectly pistonic?

Please keep drinking the coolaid. The 7s are very nice speakers if you love yours that is great, personally if I was going to spend $70k on a set of speakers I would buy a set of Vivid G1 any day of the week, but I guess Lawrence Dickie ins’t a loudspeaker genius as well.

By the way we are not Vivid dealers, so we got no skin in that game.

Good night to you, and go listen to a set of G1 and lets talk.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

I have no dog in this fight. I am not in the market for loudspeakers or any type of component. Audiotroy, I hate to break this to you, but your constant touting of Legacy and your slow but ramped-up cheerleading of Elac is growing tiresome. You are shilling the lines you sell, plain and simple. In the process of shilling, you are expressing some very personal sound attribute preferences as if they are objectively superior. As I push 60 and reach 42 years in the hobby, I believe I have gained the wisdom to see all of audio as compromises. Relying on the concept of stereo; two boxes or other form of transducers of some sort, is in and of itself a very steep compromise. Everything leading up to those transducers involve compromises. I appreciate deep taut lightning-quick and scalpel-precise bass but whether you like it or not, the loudspeakers that have such tight bass don't feature coherent of-a-whole-cloth sound. With almost no known exception, you can have one or the other but not both. And in addition to the above, your shilling is contradictory. First you go from exclaiming the virtues of a killer match of Naim Atom and Elac Andante, then you go into a critical segue that Jones and Elac built down to a price by opting for sub-par drivers and cabinet construction and then you careen back to absolute praise. Your constant references (pun) to Legacy as unquestioned standard-bearers is contradictory too-Legacy pioneered the "big box with lots of drivers" approach at a slightly higher level of parts choice than the present bizarre fad of Tekton. Despite tons of advertising, not a single well-respected reviewer has ever positively reviewed one of their products. I am not in the biz, but I am willing to bet that the mark-up on the lines you happen to peddle is significantly higher than the mark-up on the lines you went out of your way to single-out as lines you won't (or can't) sell. 
It appears fsonicsmith has respect for reviewers but not dealers. Why pick on Audiotroy? If you go to there web site they sell many excellent products and have been around a very long time. Any one who does audio as a business in high end and sells a litany of high products should be given credence on what they recommend. As a hobbyist, it seems audiophiles maybe get a little too intense on their opinions and preferences. My experience in thirty years is that audio dealers are usually very knowledgeable and helpful in seeking out great discoveries in the audio world and should be given the respect and gratitude they deserve.
Fsonic you didnt read any of our posts did you?

We stated catigorically the Adates are not perfect and will appeal to some people who value different sonic attributes like a very live sound vs a more toned down more  colored laid back perspective.

What we said was the speakers were delibrately made to allow for a more expensive line to follow as they come close to very expensive speakers and lack the last vestige of refinement that the more expensive products provide.

As per Legacy being a standard bearer we never said that what we have said time and time again is how remarkably good the line is and how they compare with many much more expensive speakers.

As per reviews on Legacy in the magazines

Fsonic how do you like them apples?

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ