NAD vs. Adcom

thinking to upgrade power amp to make B&W dm604 s3s sing. any thoughts on NAD s200 vs Adcom gfa 555II or GFA 5500? currently biamped with NAD c325bee driving mids and highs and Adcom gfa535II driving bass {using preamp section of c325bee}
I'd guess the bi-amping with such dissimilar amps may be the 'problem'.

Almost any single more powerful amp will help. A good integrated which can handle the B&W load, not just impedance but phase angle as well, is recommended.

Maybe a NAD in the 37x series? That is, if you like the NAD house sound?

One of the M series integrates would work like mad, but the cost may be a little brisk.

BiPolar? MOSFET? Good bad exist with either device type. If it works well with your speakers, don't let either deter you.
No comments on the possibility of the NAD Silverline S200 amp [probably in conjunction with the S100 preamp]?
Don't over look B&K amps. I recently heard one and was impressed given money spent.
No doubt, some speakers are inefficent and thus require some 'ooomph' to make them sing. However, you may find that a good separate pre-amp may make more of an improvement dollar for dollar than upgrading your amp, especially since you are bi-amping.

Interesting that no one has commented about your bi-amping with different amps. I've always heard that it is recommened to use identical amps when bi-amping. I wonder if using identical amps would improve the 'singing' ability of your speakers?
Ive own 3 Adcom amps 5802 ,555 ,2535 . If you have speakers that are bright go with the 5500 . Dull speakers would benefit from the 555ii . Mosfets almost always sound better than bi-polar in my opinion.
I owned (4) GFA555IIs.
I owned (2) GFA 5500s.
The 555s are & were great for sub amps, but forward (bright) on my Magnepan 3.3Rs.
The 5500 is current, and sounds much more musical, to me.
I only sold both to go to Fully Balanced amps.
I agree that Adcom products are not very musical. However, many people seem to like to 555 II. What is your budget? Maybe you could get into a McCormack amp-say the DNA .5. That is a very good amp. If not, try a B&K ST-140. Very musical, 120 watts per channel, and used its about $200. Enjoy.
Depending on budget, I would look at something other than the Adcom amp.....besides it being an old amp, its not very musical sounding at all.