NAD M10 BluOS problems

I'm quite new to NAD and to BluOS.
I had my C388 with BluOS upgrade about 5 weeks ago and all has been fine.
My M10 arrived yesterday and I have issues which are most likely my fault.
It joined my network from the BluOS app (ios) and ran the update. Then the problems started.
Neither the BluOS app nor the NAD remote detect the M10. The C388 can be seen but only as a bluetooth connection (it's hardwired to my router).
My router shows both amps attached, C388 hardwired and M10 via wireless which is as it should be. Can you assist with ideas for why the apps can't detect the amps?
Thank you.
There are a number of BlueOS problems discussed on this site.  I suggest you do a search and see if any of those partial solutions help you.   Also, you might just undo the upgrade, as it could be a downgrade.