My Snubway and Main Stream Master Class Combo Review

I must admit I am a sucker for tweaks.

I have owned and tried so many. I have always admired those who think outside the “box”. Some of these items were great, some maybe? And then some were just a “swing and a miss”.

I have communicated with Mark through the years and have used several of his products. So, I ventured into the Vera-fi Audio filters that many of you have expressed that you have liked. That is specifically; the Snubway and the Main Stream filters. I’m not sure if that is the appropriate category but I think that is what they do.

When I first received them, I tried them on my Audio dedicated AC line. First listen, the music sounded louder and more in my face. I was concerned that perhaps they were too much for my already “clean” audio system.

I then moved them to my dedicated Video AC line. On this line, I have an AudioQuest 1200 conditioner, an 85” Samsung TV/LED, Oppo 205, Satellite Dish, Apple TV and a 7 channel Outlaw amp. And I also had a Puron filter. When I first viewed this Video system with the filter combo now in use, boy, was I impressed! I watched a few pre-season NFL live games and the image was fantastic! So clean, immersive, with deep contrast, and deep colors. I knew these units would be a permanent part of this system.

So today, again, I tried that combo on my Audio Dedicated line. On this line is my AudioQuest 7000, Lumin X1, and 2 Michi 8 power amps. But now this time I did not get the image overload, perhaps these take some time to burn/break in. I will let these units percolate for a few days before I pass additional comments. But… I did order another set of them.



traubr, Sorry I misspelled your moniker previously.

What fuses did you choose to use with your SDFB? I am using the graphene's.



Sorry, did not see your post until today.  I started slow with the SDFB and opted for the included super sluggo fuse, which offered a bit of warmth (always good this time of year).  I felt that if something was lacking, I could always upgrade to the better fuses.

As the SDFB settles (ingratiates itself?) into my system, I am at a total loss now to determine its impact, as I have been on a tear of late to assist the audio industry's economy.  There have been way too many substantive changes in my system in the last month to isolate the impact of just the SDFB.  Scientific or not, for the short period where it was the latest addition, it was a positive.  VeraFi can take that as a win.



To my consternation, I've found additions (tweaks) like the SDFB or upgraded power cords have resulted in subtle to almost imperceptible changes, to the point I questioned whether I could notice any difference at all.  That said, I took your question as a challenge and climbed into the tangle of cables behind my system.  Removing the SDFB caused the overall sound and system clarity to shrink just a bit.  Replacing it added it back.  Big change?  No.  Better?  Yes.  Worth the expense?  To me, yes, at the discounted price.  I've read where others perceive a noticeable difference so, ultimately and obviously, it's your call.  Hope that helps.

Ultimately, I connected two sets of Snubway/Mainstream power plugs to my Ansuz C3 Power Distributor.

Due to having only one available wall socket for the Ansuz, I did not test alternative outlets.

The result is that my system now sounds better than ever. As I previously noted several months ago, these power plugs are remarkably effective.

Thanks @verafiaudio