
Responses from traubr

My Denafrips Aries 15th has too much mid -bass, anybody else??
I had the Pontus 15th in combo with their Iris DDC and really liked it.  The Iris was a relatively small added investment, icing on the cake.  Pontus was very lively, toe-tappingly musical with ample detail.  I was advised the DAC needed ample bre... 
My Snubway and Main Stream Master Class Combo Review
@verafiaudio  Mark, I appreciate your feedback and am willing to give Graphene a whirl.  Will contact you privately. Robert  
Silnote audio or Morrow audio
I have Silnote Anniversary II Master Reference speaker cables and various levels of their interconnect cables, and find them to be very musical and dynamic.  I also have Morrow subwoofer cables and couldn't tell much difference/ improvement from t... 
My Snubway and Main Stream Master Class Combo Review
@sgordon1  To my consternation, I've found additions (tweaks) like the SDFB or upgraded power cords have resulted in subtle to almost imperceptible changes, to the point I questioned whether I could notice any difference at all.  That said, I too... 
My Snubway and Main Stream Master Class Combo Review
@ozzy  Sorry, did not see your post until today.  I started slow with the SDFB and opted for the included super sluggo fuse, which offered a bit of warmth (always good this time of year).  I felt that if something was lacking, I could always upgr... 
My Snubway and Main Stream Master Class Combo Review
@ozzy I was remiss and should have mentioned that I gave VeraFi another shot and bought the SDFB when it was on sale recently.  Attached it to my Mac amp and was pleased to hear "more" there: bigger, bolder.  Overwhelming, no, but better.  I have... 
My Snubway and Main Stream Master Class Combo Review
My audio/ video system runs from a single 20-amp dedicated line using 10ga (30 amp rated) wire from panel to outlet.  I am in a rural area, my house is 225+ years young and the stone foundation has 6-inch hand-hewn posts at the base of the walls, ... 
Cardas Clear XLR interconnects
I've purchased single cables from The Cable Company for the center channel speaker in my home theatre.  I suspect most dealers offer this option.  The cost is half of that for a pair.  You are effectively buying two single cables, albeit different... 
Aurender n200, talk me out of signing on the dotted line
@signaforce , sent you a message. Robert  
Aurender n200, talk me out of signing on the dotted line
@signaforce  I understand this thread is for an Aurender N200 but since you asked, and since the esteemed @blisshifi responded, I will throw my 2 cents in.  I just got a Rogue RP-7 preamp.  It is very clear and resolving, but I find with the stoc... 
Thanks to Juan of @blisshifi for Greatly Improving My Listening Pleasure
I would like to add to the plaudits for Juan of Bliss HiFi. I reached out to the Agon community for advice on a streamer and DAC direction, and Juan was one of the people who weighed in. In a separate email conversation, he was generous with his t... 
New Streamer, DAC or Let it Be
@sudnh, my cables are a mishmash, which will no doubt offend many.  I started low and slow and built from there.  Have given The Cable Co much of my hard-earned money and used their lending library, which is great.  I have limited patience for A/B... 
New Streamer, DAC or Let it Be
Thanks to recent posts, all very interesting.  Here are some comments: Space is at a premium for me, both in my equipment rack as well as in the room itself.  @jji666, I pace all day waiting for my turn, hoping the wife finishes work early.  Hard... 
New Streamer, DAC or Let it Be
@panzrwagn, thanks so much for your comments and not bashing my Marantz and Node  😉.  I was looking at the Acoustimac website and the array is intriguing.  Cheers, Robert  
New Streamer, DAC or Let it Be
Thanks @mm1tt77, for your input.  As many others have stated, a dedicated stereo preamp seems a worthy alternative as a one-piece upgrade for 2 channel listening. Alas, ​​​​​​@laps, the two room thing is a no-go for me.  Everything for home theat...