My first phono preamp

Being a newly back audiophile, I prepared for my first purchase. I read reviews, pages, company info, lots of threads here & got overwhelmed with info, confused & confused-er. Finally, I read that at the beginning level there really aren’t going to astonishingly different capabilities. And, that I should go for price or (blasphemy) what looks good with my system. So, I found a great priced Jolida JD-9 MK II made in the USA & ordered it.  It also seemed like there were a lot of ways to incrementally upgrade it over time.

I got a lot of info here thru comments on threads & a couple of my own questions. I just wanted to thank the people who took the time to give me constructive comments & helped educate me. I’m excited to start rebuilding my system & continually learn here.

Thanks everyone
Look into rolling (swapping out) the tubes for better quality ones. This will improve sound quality. E.g. Sovtec 12AX7LPS at the low end, GE 5751 triple mica black plate mid level, and Telefunken ECC83/12AX7 at the higher end by price.
" JD-9 MK II made in the USA"

I'd like to see someone chime in, and back that up. Does Jolida actually state it's  Made in USA?

Guessing it may be one of those "assembled in USA" products?
Boards and case from China shipped here. Designed here, specs sent to China. 

If it were 100% USA made, manufactured here, it wouldn't be at the price point it is.

Certainly doesn't determine the quality/performance of anything. Many of us have products that use this business model.

I had one of these for a while and enjoyed it. It's a solid-built little piece that delivers a clean, tube sound. I had the 1st upgrade, but as @noromance said, the biggest difference is going to be upgrading those stock 12ax7 tubes. I used a pair of Amperex Bugle Boys and they really opened up the sound.

Also, Jolida has great customer service from their HQ in Maryland.