Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?

I've been experimenting with different cables between components. Nothing sounds right since trying to improve sound with new mix of cables. There is no bass and boring, highs are okay but life is gone from system. So I flipped everything back the way it was still sound horrible. Ran everything 24/7 for a couple days still no go. Let it run a couple more days dynamics are back and bass is full big and has tone again and enjoyable to listen to. Can someone tell me why this happens. I've also moved just speaker cables around without unhooking them and seen this happen, I don't get it.

Showing 1 response by douglas_schroeder

No, your cables did not sound worse; you needed to adjust once again after working with mixes of cables. Nothing unusual here. I build hundreds of systems literally, and what you are describing is common. It is called anchoring, and it's the inability to quickly shift allegiance to a new standard, sort of a hangover effect of the ears/mind. Many times I had the same experience you describe when rolling dozens of different sets of discrete opamps in DACs. Again, this is nothing out of the ordinary, but it is not electronics and cables changing performance. 

It also happens when speakers I have owned for years are put into the system. It used to take a week to get used to the different technology, even though I owned and used them many times back and forth in systems. Now, it still takes about 2 days to recapture the familiarity of the sound. 

Cables do not get magically better or worse with use. If you set them up exactly as they were initially, you got the same result as previously. You may disagree, but I am not going to argue about it.  :)