Movie/film suggestions.


While this is of course a forum for the discussion of all things audio/hi-fi and music, pretty much all of us are also lovers of movies, the enjoyment of which is effected by the reproduction of the sound they contain (with the exception of silent movies wink).

I've been focused on David Lynch movies since his death, but with current events so much a part of our lives at the moment, I plan on re-watching a movie I’ve seen only once, and years ago. That movie is:

The Madness Of King George. Apropos, no?



My circadian rhythm is a mess and I stayed up late (or early, depending on how you look at it) last night watching Vengeance (2022),starring BJ Novak (of The Office). I was thinking that I probably was not going to like it and would probably turn it off in the early going as it also featured Ashton Kutcher, which made me think it was going to be a stupid or sappy comedy. However: it was a real good movie. Not a GREAT movie, but still a good one. It turned out to have a serious and grim plot, but the dialogue was good, and there was lots of fairly dark humor wove in. Novak did a good job with his part. Movies have to have twists, I guess, and this was no exception, it had a couple of plot twists, and I will say that I was surprised by the ending.

It was not at all a Cormack McCarthy screen play (which if it was would have done nothing to redeem anyone’s soul) but everyone did not exactly live happily ever after either. Not exactly.

Worth watching, in my opinion, if you’ve got a couple of hours to kill and you are looking for something kind of new.

The Wicker Man (original not remake). Incredible soundtrack and engaging plot.

Thought of some more:

A woman under the influence
3 women
Gosford Park
The Elephant Man
The Lobster
Lost in Translation
The Whale

Little Children
The Diving Bell and the butterfly
The Sea Inside
Breaking the waves
The Hunt

The Friends of Eddie coyle

A couple I just now thought about that I liked and are somewhat related:

Primary Colors starring John Travolta who (although the names were changed) was obviously portraying Bill Clinton in the '92 primaries, also featured Billy Bob and Kathy Bates.

Game Change had Julieanne Moore doing a great imitation of Sarah Palin, Ed Harris (who I like a lot, although I am not sure how well he came off as John McCain), Woody Harrelson as a not bad Steve Schmidt,  Sarah Paulson doing a maybe okay Nicole Wallace, and I think Ron Livingston portraying her (Wallace's) husband..  I enjoyed the movie so much I bought a used copy of  the book on Amazon by  John Heilemann and Mark Halperin.  The book was actually well written and evenhanded and was not a trashing out of Sarah Palin as the movie sort of was; I was hoping to read more about Nicole Wallace which was  not included in the book.  I enjoyed that book so much I found a copy of the followup book, Double Down, which was about the '12 campaign, but I did not find that as interesting.

" I was tempted to buy a Ninth Gate replica book and put it on my shelf to see if anyone would notice."

@nonoise ,

Be sure to check the initials!