Movie/film suggestions.


While this is of course a forum for the discussion of all things audio/hi-fi and music, pretty much all of us are also lovers of movies, the enjoyment of which is effected by the reproduction of the sound they contain (with the exception of silent movies wink).

I've been focused on David Lynch movies since his death, but with current events so much a part of our lives at the moment, I plan on re-watching a movie I’ve seen only once, and years ago. That movie is:

The Madness Of King George. Apropos, no?



I tend to gravitate towards foreign films, and primarily dramas. A fair percentage might be considered "art" films, and/or off-beat, especially in contrast to mainstream films. This is a list of many of my favorites, and if you notice any that you have seen and liked, you may find some (or many) of the others to be to your taste, as well.

Unfortunately, most would likely be difficult, if not impossible to find on streaming services. I like to own hard copies of excellent films, so am willing to purchase DVDs and Blu-Rays.

The directors are on the right, for reference.

White Material Claire Denis

Breaker Morant Bruce Beresford

Barbara Christian Petzold

Phoenix Christian Petzold

Jerichow Christian Petzold

Yella Christian Petzold

Rabbit Proof Fence Noyce

I Am Love Guadaguino

Bloody Sunday Greengrass

The Conversation Coppola

In The Fog Loznitsa

Withnail and I Robinson

Dark River Barnard

4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days Mungiu

Winter’s Bone Granik

Klute Pakula

Das Vorspiel Weisse

Lives of Others von Donnersmarck

Couscous Abdellatif Kechiche

Matewan Sayles

Silent Souls Fedorchenko

Western Grisebach

The Past Farhadi

A Separation Farhadi

Applause Zandvliet

Uzak Ceylan

Disobedience Lelio

Biutiful Inorritu

Perfect Days Wender

Like Someone in Love Kiarostam

La Haine Kassovitz

Control Corbijn

Only Lovers Left Alive Jarmusch

Ghost Dog Jarmusch

Vier Minuten Kraus

Red Road Arnold

The White Ribbon Haneke

Compartment No. 6 Juho Kuosmanen




@whipsaw: The Conversation is my favorite of Coppola’s. His "small" movie.


Another favorite of mine is The Last Picture Show by Peter Bogdanovich. A great soundtrack too, with lots of Hank Williams.


And Tender Mercies with Robert Duvall. A related film is Crazy Heart, with Duvall in a supporting role to Jeff Bridges. Not too bad a singer, and some great songs. Produced by the ubiquitous T Bone Burnett.



Thank you. I agree with the others that you mentioned, as well. All excellent films, and I especially like Tender Mercies.

Another that springs to mind is The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada, starring, and directed by Tommy Lee Jones.

In no particular order:

Jean de Florette & Manon of the Spring 

The Searchers


Donovan's Reef

Knox Goes Away

Lawrence of Arabia

Paths of Glory

Dr. Strangelove

Fail Safe


The Professionals

The Thing (the original version)


Blade Runner 2049

Hell or High Water

You Won't Be Alone  (be prepared for nothing, and everything)

Only Lovers Left Alive

Too many to list makes it impossible to come up with all the good ones so have at it.

All the best,