Moved from Logitech Squeezebox to Cambridge CXN V2 w/NAS - sound not as good


   I recently made a change to my system. I moved my digital music library from my PC to a NAS device (QNAP), and replaced my old streaming interface, a Logitech Squeezebox, with a Cambridge audio CXN V2. I feed the streamer into an external DAC, a Chord Qutest. 

Since I made the change, the sound is different. A bit more "relaxed" sounding. Not sure I like it as much. The old system had a bit more punch and maybe was a little brighter. 

Any thoughts on why this might happen, and how I might remedy it? Going back to the PC and Squeezebox isn't really an option.  


Showing 1 response by michael777

Hey, i have something to try that surprised me on my system.

try a superior power cord on both the Streamer & possibly the DAC 

you can find something that was close to top of the line that's a decade old used 

so not suggesting you over spend

on my previous dac is very much changed its personality for the better

it was like moving up to a take of higher octane gas