Most sought audio gears

What are the most sought. Audio gears at audiogon and other sites and why?
Any High End gear that is being sold by a really pissed-off wife while her husband is living in a motel waiting to be served divorce papers.
I would tell you my favorites but I do not need the extra competition when they become available! :>}
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I have made some good purchases from pissed-off-wife's. Also some widows. You would be surprised how often they want to get the 'stuff' out of the house, being the gear was always the guy's first love.
one might draw an inference that those items which are seldom available for sale are preferable to those which are available for sale.
I think it can be a lot like real estate, the best neighborhoods hardly ever have listings and they turn over quickly when they do....
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The question is too general and too ambiguous to be answerable. But depending on how "most sought" is defined, a good case could be made for Western Electric speaker drivers, tubes, and tube amplifiers from the 1930's. As to why, because they are extremely rare and, if in good condition, they are apparently extremely good.

-- Al