Showing 3 responses by nonoise

I'm not sticking up for Andrew Robinson but he related a story about audio snobbery in the old days when you'd walk in to listen to something and how it compared to buying his first Ferrari as a youngster and being treated like a nobody because of his age and the way he dressed. 

If you're going to insult someone, know that someone.

All the best,

bruce +1

That was very refreshing and most appreciated.
(not to mention, succinct)

All the best,

Andrew Robinson (hate him if you want to) recently reviewed Marantz's new line of speakers and streaming integrateds for the Gen Z crowd (see other contentious thread on that) and pointed out the poor and light weight build quality of it. Performance was nothing to write home about either and they're still asking a "Marantz" price for it. 

Sign of the times gents.

All the best,