Moon 390 Network Streamer

Still evaluating numerous DAC/Streamers and had the opportunity to listen to Moon 390 Network Streamer. Any thoughts on Moon products in general and the 390?

Recommendations are greatly appreciated.




I used two M400s to drive my 390. Two things to consider:

  1. 330 is the stereo version, buy 1 and if you desire more power get s second and the bridging cables
  2. If you are buying new and have a relationship with dealer inquire about purchasing refurbished 330 or M400 traded in with Moon’s trade up program. 

@ overthemoon

Great recommendation regarding purchasing refurbished 330A or 400M. Wonder how often Moon has refurbished units.

How does the 2 M400's sound? 


I have been using Moon 400Ms with my Moon 390. Effortless, detailed and spacious, yet very musical. (I understand the 400s use a proprietary transistor which might be their secret to wonderful music-making.)

Go for it (them)!

I ran the 390 in my system for about three years and still have it, even though I’ve replaced it with a hybrid preamplifier and a dcs dac streamer

I also use a simaudio phono stage. My experience with the brand in general, and the 390 in particular has been very positive. Very solidly built, reliable gear and well designed software. 

I think the 390 offers great value for all it does. It’s an all in one that offers good sound quality. I agree it is “neutral” but I say that as a positive. The 390, to my ears, was never overly bright, sterile, analytical or any of the other perjoratives  that sometimes can be mistakenly conflated with neutral. It delivers a faithful reproduction of the signal it receives, at least that’s my impression. Good soundstage, detail retrieval and imaging.

I also found the 390 to be completely reliable. Used it for about three years without a bobble. 


Running the 390 using the 330A amp.  Works very will, 400M would probably be even better.  Or could add a used amp from higher series.

Note that the 390 has optional HDMI inputs.  Depending on your setup, it may be worth getting the HDMI.  We run the TV into the ARC HDMI and it permits ROKU remote to control TV volume which reduces remote clutter.