Monos, Stereo or Multi-Ch for HT and Music

Hi all,

Longtime lurker, first time poster.  Always found this forum very informative.  

I have just purchased a Lyngdorf MP-60 at a greatly reduced price and am going to make it the centerpiece of my home theater that hopefully also does music well.  Presently, I have Focal Electra towers, center and surrounds, but these will be upgraded to Utopia Stellas, Viva and Diablos.

Firstly, has anyone heard the Lyngdorf for music?  Does it perform as well as, say, an integrated (or pre) and dac made more specifically for music?

More importantly, how to power all of this?  I've been considering McIntosh but am open to other suggestions.  Would McIntosh be a good match for the above components?  Also, what combination of monos, stereo and multi-channel (tube or solid state) would be an optimal balance between HT and music?  Here are some options:

MC462 for towers, MC303 for center/surrounds

MC2301 or MC611 for towers, MC303 for center/surrounds

I think many would say I should use MC303 for the towers and center for consistency, but I was hoping to move up a step for the towers to optimize their use for music.  Also, in the case of MC2301, is it a bad idea to mix tubes with solid state?  Again, I'm also open to other brands.


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


I’d try the MP-60 for 2-channel audio and see how it works out. Although I’m a purist and would prefer incorporating a separate stereo pre and DAC, I’ve found Lyngdorf’s room correction can make very positive contributions to the overall sound that could ultimately make it fine for stereo and certainly worth a try before dumping big $$$ on separates. As for the amps, it really depends on what sound characteristics you’re looking for, so if you can share that info you’ll get much better and more meaningful recommendations for amps here. Many people like Mac amps, and many (like me) don’t so personal taste looms large.  But the first question would be if is your priority 2-channel or HT, because that can drive which amp configuration makes the most sense. 

Stay with the Lyngdorf. It's feature set will save you in execution for music as well.

If you care more about sonics, get 5 Schiit Tyr monoblocks for L/C/R and Surrounds... or 3 monoblocks for L/C/R and a Schiit Vidar 2 Class A for the Surrounds.

Be proud of the Schiit.

Hi Soix,

The Focal speakers, with the beryllium tweeter, can be somewhat bright if not matched well.  So, the main reason I'm looking at the Macs is I've always thought they were considered to be on the warm side of neutral.  Also, they should have enough current to deliver a rich, full bass.

Basically, I'm looking for amplification to drive a not so easily driven speaker that also balances out the speaker's beryllium tweeter.   HT vs music is probably 60/40.


Thanks again.

What are you driving the speakers with now?  If you’re planning on upgrading the speakers in the near future I’d wait on the amps to get something that mates well with them.  Also, if you find the Focal tweeters on the bright side, have you considered upgrading to something else that doesn’t require you to buy amps to tame the tweeters?  There are certainly plenty of other options from the likes of Magico, Wilson, Sonus Faber, Vandersteen, etc. that may be worth considering.  Just some thoughts FWIW.

I'm driving my Electras 1028be, plus surrounds and center, with a Marantz MM8077 multi-ch amp.  It puts out 150wpc RMS when driving two channels.  My front Electras have a pwr recommendation up to 300wpc.  Right now, I have to turn the volume up substantially to get to my normal listening volume.  Also, I feel like I can't get quite the oomph I'm looking for from the bass, as in, it's pretty lean without the subwoofer.

On the other hand, I actually very much like the highs as it stands now.  I love the detail they produce, and it is not fatiguing to me.  The only reason I mentioned the potential brightness being a problem is that I've read some forum members describing them as bright.  I'm thinking maybe they had amplification that was not such a great match, and that my Marantz, being on the warm side, is. 

So, I'm hoping by upgrading the amp, I can get more overall power, especially in the bass while delivering a similar treble experience to my present situation.  Hence my flirtation with the Macs.  What I'm really wondering is whether there is much benefit to going with monos such as MC611 for my front three rather than a multi-ch like MC303.  Does the answer to this vary between music and HT listening is another question.

As mentioned, I intend to ultimately upgrade the speakers to the Utopia Stellas whose sonic signature shouldn't deviate far from the Electras.  I have also been curious about the Sonus Faber Amati.  But I wonder if its treble might sound dry coming from the Focals?

Thanks again so much for your thoughts.

I’m a dedicated 2 channel guy. You have fine loudspeakers but your Marantz is holding you back. I would get a Parasound A21+ (or multiples if you need them) and a really good preamp/control center. That will take your system to a new level.

The Lyngdorf might be worth a try, never heard one myself. But worth a try.

Any benefit to going with singles for the front three vs stereo or multi-ch?  Also, is there a problem mixing tube for the front and solid state for the rear?

BTW Made a mistake with what I intend to upgrade speakers to.  I said 'Stella', but I meant 'Utopia Scala'.



Russ69:  Were you suggesting the Parasound as a good match with the Focals?

Thanks again.