Monitors with big sound and deep bass

I am thinking about monitors like in title
I had Totem Mani2 but then i had no enough current amplifier to drive them correctly. But maybe I can give them another chance . Another little speakers which I had and goes really low was Platinum solo and JBL Ti1000
But I not heard and I am very interesting of others monitors with deep bass and big bold sound like Wilson Audio Duette and Legacy Calibre supposed to be. How they compared to the Totem Mani. Which one of them has the biggest sound and the deepest lows and overall the Best sound quality performance?
Wilson Tune Tot.
The Demo at RMAF made quite an impression.
Big Deep, and SQ.
EAT Phono Pre
Octave Integrated
Sunyata Power Conditioning

Joseph Audio Pulsars.  Pretty well known to reach much deeper than their size would indicate. 
You need extended monitors for the size that are designed to be an easy load to drive (hard to find), like Fritz Carrera for example. Those would be my choice. I’ve heard these do quite well off less than 10 w of good quality tube power. Otherwise try throwing a good quality high current modern Class D amp this time at the Manis or similar more current hungry smaller monitors with good bass extension (not so hard to find). New KEF R3 stakes out a reasonable compromise ie very good bass extension but easier to drive than many. I could live with any of these three easily with the right amp behind them.   Manis would be most demanding by far but pays off once fed properly.