Mola Mola dac

I understand that a dac is soon to be out and would like some feedback with respect to Mola Mola. I’ve heard that Mola gear is very special but want to hear from those who have experience with it. Anyone out there to comment?

The Mola Mola DAC (separate) does not exist yet so there is no pricing or much information available.  I was told it will use the same internal DAC as my Makua but that is all I know.  

I recently purchased my Mola Mola Makua Preamp/DAC and like it very much.  My Aurender N10 Server connects to the Makua and the sound quality is superb. The Makua includes an App that I run on my IPad so I can control the volume and also switch between the source inputs as needed.  It is very easy to use.  My Aurender connects to the Makua using both an Audience USB and Audience AES/EBU digital cable.  I can easily switch between the cables as needed using the Makua App.  

My Mola Mola Makua Preamp/DAC connects to my Mola Mola Kaluga Mono Block Power Amplifiers.   This combination is outstanding and I highly recommend it.   

The musical quality is really excellent on all types of music.  Both my CD’s and Tidal Streaming sound very natural, clear and wonderful.   I am hearing great bass, clarity of sound, detail and it sounds terrific.  The Makua Preamp/DAC and the Mola Mola Kaluga Mono Block Power Amplifiers are highly recommended.   

I hope this helps.  


Thanks for posting the link and your feedback. The Tambaqui DAC does look very promising...I would give it a go if they can make it affordable. Their Pre and mono amps (as good as they are) are quite expensive and out of the reach of many audiophiles. 
Anybody have the Tambaqui DAC? 

I am interested in finding out if the  Ethernet connection on the DAC allows for direct stream into the DAC via something like ROON. 

I currently use the Sonare microRendu and the Sonic Orbiter to stream via Ethernet to 2 of my systems. The next DAC I get, I want to ditch the Sonare products and go directly into the DAC via Ethernet. I believe the Briscati DACs allow for this and I am looking for other DACs that do this.
Tambaqui was apparently shown at Munich but so far there haven't been any reports....
FYI, PSAudio has engaged DirectStream DAC designer Ted Smith to making a 'cost no object' high end DAC.  There are some details over at the PSAudio forum.  It has many of the design aspects of Mola mola  plus it will be a two-box design: isolated analog linked by optical to the noisy digital bits.  I think they will launch it at RMAF.