I resurrected this pair from the closet and frybaby them in for 24 hours...They are a full meal deal alright.After the weekend with them my opinion of them has shifted from meh to wtf was i thinking.Things have opened up are dialing in.Ok they are what they are...but some of the jazz bass stuff is the nicest tone/weight i have had in my system.For stand mount yeah this still has some awg to throw at them...all in all its a pretty satisfying listen after all.
Mogami 3106 - Bass Heads, this is for you.
I just replaced white zip cord with copper spades with Mogami 3106 and silver banana plugs. This is not by any stretch a neutral cable.
This cable is DARK but also wow, what bass, and better than average imaging.
In case you don’t know, this is Mogami’s 4 x 12 gauge OFC speaker wire. I can’t say I’m super happy with it just yet. I may need to reduce the amount of bass I have my EQ set to. Also, for a DIY cable it is a giant PITA to dress. The outer jacket is super flexible, and it is very easy to nick the individual insulators. I ended up buying a jacket stripper just for that reason. The claim is that these are 12 gauge stranded and honestly I don’t really buy it. I had a difficult time stripping them usiing 10 gauge stranded strippers. I also bought 3103, the 2 conductor version and I have to say it’s 4x easier to work with it. One of the difficulties is just making sure your connectors are big enough. The copper spades I had planned to use were not.
In terms of sound quality, think of mid-grade WireWorld Eclipse for the darkness with ... I can’t really compare any other cable to this in terms of bass. It’s just a lot more than I’ve ever heard.
If you are patient as a builder and have a bright system lacking in bass, I highly recommend this cable.