Mo' money. Mo' problems.

I'm sure this has been discussed in a few posts over the years, but seeing as how we didn't burn up in the Mayan apocalypse, I thought I'd float something that has been on my mind as we close out 2012.

I think Notorious B.I.G. said it best:

The more money we come across, the more problems we see.

That is, in audio, as I have gradually spent more and more on high-end gear, the more critical and discerning I have become. The more I expect out of this stuff. I've spent more this year on gear (and vinyl) than ever before, so is it just a coincidence that I've had more issues than ever before? Be it tube matching, power issues, faulty amps (had two in a row, then jettisoned the brand), cable matching, fuses, tracking alignment, concern over my home's electrical, wondering about a two rinse wash vs. three rinse process, footers, computer optimization, high res file types, where is that hum coming from?, was that a pop or did my wife turn on the washer?... the endless quest for perfection... you know what I mean? (I hope.) Seems like each new upgrade opens a door for another or some other nit picky thing...

When everything is working perfectly, of course, it's a drug-free high. Total bliss. Lightyears beyond where I was or what I ever would have imagined as a kid.

But there's always going to be 'something,' isn't there? Are these bumps along the way just a part of the hobby - or are the bumps the hobby? How can I make 2013 the year I stop the BS and just enjoy the music?

Showing 1 response by bonhamcopeland

Thanks all for the responses and advice. Esp. Zd542 and Whart.

I just re-read my post, and I think the best way I can "..make 2013 the year I stop the BS and just enjoy the music," is to: stop the BS and enjoy the music.

I'm not suffering from upgrade-itess or HiFiOCD or tweakerism as much as I've legitimately had gear failures that have frustrated the hell out of me. Now I'm listening for problems instead of the music. I just need to get my stuff working correctly and remind myself how lucky I am to be able to afford what I have, and how lucky I am to be living only blocks away from a dealer who knows me personally and has been extremely pro-active in taking care of these issues and compensating me for my troubles. Try getting that from a big box store.

Also, next time I buy a new car I'm going to the best source on the internet for insight: Audiogon.