MM phono preamp upgrade for $1000?

I have a VPI Prime 3D with a Nagaoka mp 300 MM cartridge. I’m currently using a Lounge Audio LCR mk III preamp that doesn’t sound bad but I’m hoping to upgrade. My LCR is an early version so Lounge Audio tells me they can’t do the silver/gold upgrades on it. I have a budget of about $1000. What MM only preamps would you recommend I look into at that price point new or used.

  • The Ear 834P...Todd at the vinyl Junkie can help. I got a mint used one for just under a grand. Mine is both MM and MC, with built in step up transformers. It cane with the original JJ tubes as well. 

Icon Audio. Made in the UK. Tube!!!!!! And it has a mono switch. Will be offering mine shortly on Audiongon.

I’ve got the tube integrated and Sonus faber speakers so I’ve got just enough sweetness going on now. I’m not sure a tube phono stage wouldn’t be too much of a good thing. I wish I could audition some in home but I’m afraid I’m going to be buying something used without being able to hear it first. 

Lots of good choices presented here. Here's another...........If you don't mind lurking into the used market $1000 can buy a pretty decent unit in a lot of brands. You may want to check out Graham Slee (Reflex line). If you find one that interests you, make sure it comes with their dedicated power supply. I believe they call it something like PSU1.