Micro RX 5000 Renaissance?

It may be just a coincidence, but looking through the various reports of the recent Munich high end event I've noticed no fewer than four (!) different turntables that all look suspiciously like the Micro RX-5000.

TW Acoustic and Kuzma launched new models visually 'inspired' by the RX-5000 design, Acoustical Systems showed a table that looks like an exact copy and DB Systems (www.micro.nl) also showed an exact copy, leaving no doubt of its objective by simply calling it 'The Tribute'. And then of course there already was the TechDas AirForce 5.

Does anyone know more about these newbies and what's under their bonnets? It would be interesting to compare their performance vis à vis the original and hear how much technology has moved forward. Or not.

While I'm a happy owner of the RX-1500G, the RX-5000 has been on my radar for quite some time. So with this Micro Renaissance going on, should I wait for a mint original to cross my path or should I go for one of these new tables? It seems Micro enthousiasts are now spoiled for choice........


Showing 3 responses by bpoletti

I wanted to ask a question related to the better MS tables, but I see @invictus005 has already infected this thread.  
@rauliruegas Do you think you could shorten your comments to around the length of, say, "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" or maybe "War and Peace"?  Being concise has its advantages.
@nandric I read constantly., particularly research material.  It's one thing to go into detail when reviewing mundane topics like shortcuts to cryptographic attacks due to the development of Quantum Computing, another thing to read verbose and often incorrect comments from @rauliruegas .   He does tend to comment as it his opinions were facts.  If he wants OUR opinion, he will give it to us.

This is audio, after all.  We doan need no steenkun philosophy.    ;-)