Mercury Living Presence SACD's

Has anyone bought these yet? I got my first M.L.P. SACD remaster today. It's the Stravinsky's Firebird with Antal Dorati and the LSO. The sound is simply spectacular. It's reminiscent of 2 of my favorite Everest SACD reissues: Night in the Tropics and the Little Train of Caipira.
The soundstage is wide with nice ambient cues. You feel transported to the hall. Also the dynamic swings are huge.

Can't wait for the Respighi Ancient Airs and Dances!
Another success from Mercury Living Presence in the release of Respighi's Ancient Dances and Airs. The performance itself is classic. The sound is quite beautiful though a tiny bit closer (forward) in perspective as compared to the Stravinsky release.
Rcprince...You're right. I am talking about "Living Stereo" not "Living Presence". (Actually they are all dead). I think that some of the confusion (which is not limited to me) comes about because both series involve some 3-channel recordings, newly available through SACD.

AC rumble is a well known problem. Although not noticed in the live hall, it becomes evident when a recording is made and played back through a system with good LF response. The only real solution is to turn it off while recording, although filtering can be effective when the musical program does not have extreme LF to be lost.
El, you're mixing up RCA and Mercury! Your point is well-taken, though. The Mercs, for example, all have the prevalent tape hiss, though I find it easy to listen through that. As for that low frequency rumble on the Chopin, it's not limited to old recordings. I find a number of Telarc recordings of the Atlanta Symphony have a prevalent rumble (low enough in frequency to make my stomach queazy!) that I can only guess is the air conditioning system.
The Tchaikovsky Symphony 6, "Pathetique", Pierre Monteax conducting the BSO (when the BSO was great) is of course a superb and classic performance. Various aspects of the recording technique are also also exceptional, but, as with the Chopin Ballades, Rubinstein, there are some defects. (With the Chopin I found LF rumble (studio air conditioning) to be anoying at times. With the Tchaikovsky some tape and/or tube hiss can be heard during very quiet or silent moments.

All in all these Living Stereo reissues are well worth owning, but noone should get the idea that they are perfect recordings. Five decades have passed since they were made, and it does show.
Listened to the Respighi and Suppe discs last night. They are better than the CD versions from before, which themselves were among the best CDs I've heard, in terms of capturing the ambience of the hall and the decay of the instruments. Very open and spacious sounding--make the CDs sound closed-in in comparison. They also appear to be smoother in their reproduction of instruments (flute and brass lose a little metalic ring or edginess, for example, which might have been a digital distortion artifact), although I'm not sure about this as I am using my Sonogy amps full range right now instead of the tubed Lamms on the highs, as one's in for minor repairs. I'm looking forward to listening to the rest of them this week.
Jayctoy: I just went to music direct and the "Mercury Living Presence" discs start at $17.99. I think you must be thinking of the "RCA Living Stereo" SACD's that were recently released and cost $11.99.
I stopped by Music Direct they are on sale, for $12.99
they are bargain for this price.They sound very good.
Elusive Disc is selling the first 5 titles (6 discs) as a package for $100 (all right, $99.99), that's the only price I checked out.
Has anyone found a retailer (web or otherwise) selling these for a good price?
I didn't mention anything about the performance because it's now accepted as a classic.
Mine are on order, will come shortly (I pre-ordered the first five almost a year ago, apparently they're waiting for the Respighi to come in before they ship). It will be interesting to compare the Stravinsky to the Classic vinyl reissue, which has better dynamics in my system than any CD I've ever heard and on a par with the best SACDs I've heard. It is truly a special recording (and performance).