McIntosh MT5 vs Rega 8 or 10

Does anyone have thoughts on these turntables?  I love the green platter of the McIntosh, but looking for overall best sound.  I do have McIntosh mono amps but my dealer is telling me there is a year and a half wait for the MT5.


Yes, thank you. It was the only way I could afford it as well. I spent more money on the turntable than I initially thought I would, but very excited. I got the silver finish with the tracer arm.

I will be using a parasound JC3 plus for the phono stage.

Nice choice-what finish/arm?

Titanium @ a great deal would be the only way I could afford it=$11K MSRP.

Enjoy it with only good pressings!

Thanks everyone for your help.  I decided to go with A Clear Audio Performance table.  I got a great deal on a lightly used titanium cartridge.  Can’t wait to get it!

@bwguy That’s the thing about Clear Audio, you can spend as much as you want. I will say that if you’re around the entry level, upgrading the tonearm is a good idea if it’s financially feasible. The table matters too but the primary issues concerning the table is consistent and precise speed and an isolated motor so that it won’t create vibrations. I’ve never heard of any of those issues concerning any Clear Audio table. It would help to have an external motor, which I attribute to why I only hear good things about VPI. Lastly, you won’t need a record mat with the Clear Audio.

In addition to my P10, I also have a much more expensive TT, a Linn LP12 upgraded in December 2022 to the latest TOTL LP12 with Radikal 2 power supply and the latest DC motor, Karousel bearing, Ekos SE arm, and Keel subchassis. I think the P10 is the way to go in the Rega line up. The Rega engineers made significant improvements to the P10 over the P8. Also I would get the Apheta 3 MC cartridge over the Exact 2. The P10 is good enough to be an end game turntable for most audiophiles in my opinion.

Here’s an interesting video comparing the P8 and P10 and why this speaker designer/engineer chose the P10 over the P8 to demo his speakers to potential customers wanting to hear his speakers.


I have owned both the Rega P8 and P10 at the same time, both are fine tables and well built and engineered, of the 2 I kept the P8 and upgraded from the P10 to Pure Fidelity Harmony and origin live arm/dynavector cart, and in fairness to the p10 its more money, of the 2 the P8 is a better value...(my opinion).

You have to start somewhere, maybe get the P8 with say exact2 cart, find a good dealer with that for awhile and hopefully dealer can loan you a p10, usually with apheta mk3 cart, and stepup if you dont have one.

If to your ears its much know which direction to go, if you aren't sure about the have your table set up. 




@bwguy, I'm using the Apheta 3 MC cartridge on my P10.  My phono stage is a Luxman EQ-500.  I had an Apheta 2 on my RP10.  When I upgraded to the P10 I went with the Apheta 3.   I think the "3" quite a bit better than the "2".  Many of the rave reviews of the P10 used the Apheta 3.  I quite happy with the P10/Apheta 3 with no desire to change. Put the money you save by not buying the Aphelion into the best phono stage that you can afford.

" I believe their Performance DC air and DC wood lines compare favorably to Rega’s?"

Arm choice will probably bump the price up quick.

The Performance with the linear TT5 arm looks impressive. Non air so no compressor box/line fuss. 

clearaudio-turntable-performance-dc-black-silver-tt5-tonearm.jpg (1200×1200)


Thanks for the info My dealer likes Clear Audio, so I am just starting to look at them as well. Which Clear Audio model do you like, or at least compares to the McIntosh TT5? I believe their Performance DC air and DC wood lines compare favorably to Rega’s?

For some unknown reason, McIntosh is taking extreme amounts of time regarding repairs, orders, etc...

As stated before, McIntosh tables are made by Clear Audio. Their turntables mainly appeal those who have McIntosh systems and want to keep the aesthetic. McIntosh makes an electronic sign that display's 'McIntosh' in green and an electronic clock that displays the time in green. Both are above a thousand dollars. And if people have the expendable cash flow to purchase McIntosh equipment for these aesthetic reasons, that's fine but if you're on a budget, I'd seriously consider something comparable to or even better than, for less money.

So then that leaves you with the Rega. I personally am not a fan of Rega's laminated foam core construction. I also had a friend that ordered the P3 and he kept getting a ground hum from the tonearm. He kept taking it back to the dealer until they exchanged the Rega for a Clear Audio. My thought is that you're not likely going to have a problem with the P8 or P10. If you do decide on the Rega, I'd consider installing an Origin Live tonearm in place of the Rega tonearm. I'm guessing that you could order the Rega table without a tonearm but I might be wrong about that.


Yes, trying to stretch my budget to the P10. It’s  just a big jump (with the aphelion cartridge) from the 8. What cartridge and phonostage are you using with the 10?

I have a P10 and I highly recommend it.   I had the Rega RP10 before upgrading to the P10 and it was a big improvement.  I would get the P10 over P8 because the Rega engineers know what they're doing and they made refinements in the P10 over the P8.  The P8 is a very good value and if you can't stretch to the P10, get the P8 over the McIntosh turntable.

Yes, looking at phonostage’s also. So many options. How about the Rega Aria or Aura?

 "Everything I read claims the 10 is another step up in improvements. Are you meaning the 8 has a better value/looking for overall best sound. "

I would stick with those claims. You're always going to encounter opinion with "better value/price  ratio" with everything audio.

Based on your budget for the Mac table, if do keep the Rega P10 as your final choice, get the Apelian cart to go with it. You are going to plug it into a proper phono stage-$3-5K?

The MT5 is made by Clearaudio-there are options in your budget likely equal to or "better" than the Mac facade. 

Why do you say many prefer the Rega 8 over the 10? Everything I read claims the 10 is another step up in improvements. Are you meaning the 8 has a better value/price ratio?

That's what I've read in many threads. It seems some people don't like the platter of the 10. I don't have personal experience of them, though my first decent TT was a Planar 3, and I still have a couple of Rega tonearms as secondary arms on my SME tables.

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Why do you say many prefer the Rega 8 over the 10? Everything I read claims the 10 is another step up in improvements. Are you meaning the 8 has a better value/price ratio?

Spend on an equivalent Clearaudio (upon which the McIntosh is based). And use the savings to get a better separate phono amp and Nagaoka MP500..

I own the P8 with Apheta 3 cartridge and am very pleased with it.  My two previous TTs were Music Hall and Thorens.  The P8 is paired with the Parasound JC3+ preamp.  Like most responses you will get, I like what I have.  Can't see any reason you would not be happy with the P8.  Rega is clealy taking a different approach design wise from those who think big and heavy is required in a good TT.  The look of the P8 does not please everyone, but I like it.  There are many who will say the look of the equipment is not important but If you're going to spend $4000 - $6000 on a TT, why not buy something that you find visually appealing.  IMHO

I suspect the best value would be the Planar 8, which many prefer to the Planar 10.

I have a strong disinclination to go near anything McIntosh, which may be entirely wrong-headed, but their idea of industrial design appears to be rooted in the days when American designs were struggling against better-performing and cheaper imports. Gothic text must sound better, right? Utterly silly and unjustified, I know, but we all have our prejudices.