Mcintosh Meter color help, it's Is it faded, not blue? Is it faded?


Newbie here, looking for Mcintosh help. I have just purchased a Mcintosh MC152 and love it, but the meters look off, they are light green and faded, just a hint of blue.

I noticed the white shroud inside the case and behind the meters have medium sized yellow / brown burn stains close where the bulbs sit. Looks like the lamps may have been on all the time and things got heated.

If there any way to get the nice blue glow back?


Older Mac gear was alway Teal blue/green in color.  I liked it, munch better than the current cobalt blue.

Hi John,  I'm one of the last factory-trained McIntosh technicians in North America.  I also have a 4' x 8' sheet of McIntosh's proprietary blue plexiglass.  If those lamps burned your meter plexi, they were not the correct lamps, leaving you with faded-out-blue.  I would love to work with you to get those meters back in factory-new-condition.  That's one of the big reasons we buy McIntosh...the aesthetics..........!  I run and I hope to hear from you soon.  Jeff Jackson
If it’s anything on the inside like my MC2125 the lights are clear and the coloring is on the etched faceplate.  Shouldn’t be a big deal just keep track of screws and brackets if you take it apart.
Sorry, multi tasking and making mistakes left and's a MC162, I promise.  I think about 15-20 years old and was left powered on a lot.
Thank you for the help!  I had all the bulbs replaced by a local tech and he used normal non LED lamps?  Did he put the wrong ones in?
The MC152 does not use bulbs, it comes from the factory with LED lighting. 
Check with Audio Classics.  They may have an LED bulb upgrade kit for your amplifier.  Those + translucent "blue" inserts are what provide the color for McIntosh meters.