McIntosh MCT cable issue

Hi everyone, ever since I’ve had my MCT500 transport connected to my MA8950 DA2 module the MCT connection has been finicky at best. Initially it would work then stop working. Cable was replaced but ultimately when I inserted the cable a little less fully into the DAC it worked consistently. That lasted a few months but now it’s back to flickering connectivity. 

i think this means the issues is the connection in my DA2 on the amp rather than the cd player. It’s all under warranty so will take to my dealer but anyone have any other advice on this? Thanks.


The optical and other outputs work fine and I had the MCT cable replaced. I’m fairly certain the issue is a defective MCT connector without my DA2. Going to the dealer this week and will likely need the DA2 replaced. Fortunately it is an easy swap if necessary.


FWIW, the MCT connection sounds better than optical to my ears so I’m going to make sure it works. 

Maybe McIntosh's DIN cable is not doing what it should. Have you tried using the coaxial output instead and seeing if the problem disappears?