McIntosh MC2105 paired with a C53 pre?

I am curious if others have tried this. I will appreciate any feedback as this will be joining McIntosh’s first attempts and last attempts,or maybe 1967 with 2023? I know McIntosh’s first solid state attempts were very much like a tube. I have a C5 three on the way to match it up. I am also curious about the DAC in the C 53 and whether or not I should use my Chord Qutest external deck or sell it and say that the 53 DAC will be sufficient? Thank you.


The DA2 DAC is way better than most would give it credit.  It's an excellent sounding DAC

I've paired my 2205 with a C53 and have been very pleased with the results. Both the mm phono stage and dac sound good to me. I switch the 2205 out for a MC275 MKVI and play them through a restored pair XRT 20's or Sonus faber Cremona M's. On occasion I use an MC240 with the C53- also very good. Old and new are working well together. Go for it.

I don't see how you would have any problem.I've matched the 2105 with 7 different pre's with good success. Most recently the First Sound which is by far the best.