McIntosh MC2105 paired with a C53 pre?

I am curious if others have tried this. I will appreciate any feedback as this will be joining McIntosh’s first attempts and last attempts,or maybe 1967 with 2023? I know McIntosh’s first solid state attempts were very much like a tube. I have a C5 three on the way to match it up. I am also curious about the DAC in the C 53 and whether or not I should use my Chord Qutest external deck or sell it and say that the 53 DAC will be sufficient? Thank you.


I don't see how you would have any problem.I've matched the 2105 with 7 different pre's with good success. Most recently the First Sound which is by far the best.

I've paired my 2205 with a C53 and have been very pleased with the results. Both the mm phono stage and dac sound good to me. I switch the 2205 out for a MC275 MKVI and play them through a restored pair XRT 20's or Sonus faber Cremona M's. On occasion I use an MC240 with the C53- also very good. Old and new are working well together. Go for it.

The DA2 DAC is way better than most would give it credit.  It's an excellent sounding DAC

I teamed the CHORD M SCALER into the C53, and the equalizers play on the sound gets all things in order… even better than a Qutest- M Scaler- Freya Plus lineup.