Mcintosh amplifiers and preamps

Just trying to understand, how do you view Mcintosh amplifiers and preamps?



For over 40 years I was on the audio merry-go-round buying and selling for the next one hit wonder and losing money in the long run. Like many here, I felt Mac was for doctors and lawyers who did not know anything about audio but liked expensive and pretty electronics. Boy was I wrong. It started for me when I bought a used Mac Integrated amp from Audio Classics to replace the Parasound Halo integrated I was using. 2 weeks later, I bought a Mac SACD player and tuner. This was all in my office system.

Three months later, I was totally thrilled with my Mac purchases and thought “why not redo my main system as well.” So, I contacted Audio Classics again and bought a Mac tube preamp, a 300wpc Mac power amp and their newest top of the line tuner. This all happened between September 2017 and March 2018. Both my systems sound incredible and I am finally wanting no more. There is a rightness to the McIntosh sound that really gets my toes tapping. I wish I had bought into the brand many years earlier as it would have saved me money over the long run.A big plus is that the equipment I bought sells for much more now than what I paid for it. I LOVE McIntosh!

Have had a lot of high end gear over the decades. The McIntosh was always satisfying to own and beautifully made. It has a good reputation and I understand why after owning a couple pieces. If for some odd personal reason it does not suit your taste you will generally recoup your money guaranteed with resale value. Very very few brands of audiogear command that kind of respect.

I have a simple question: looking at the front of a Mcintosh MC2205 or other similar amplifier, is the VU meter shown on the left actually the LEFT channel? I just bought an MC2205 and the ad stated that the left channel was inoperable, but from the pictures they posted, it is the meter on the RIGHT that was not working. I just want to be sure whether I need a left or right VU meter (or circuit board possibly, and those are specifically noted as different board P/Ns- they are not interchangeable apparently). Thanks to all!  

Graduated HS as Honors student in1975 and the couple who owned the store I worked at gave me a Mac MA5100 for my graduation playing thru Bose 301s. Over the next few years I changed to Rogers LS speakers and Philips TT. Loved that amp and sound. Dated a girl whose dad used a complete Mac system, alternating between a MC275 and 2150. Loved that even more. When I decided to go to grad school sold all the gear along with my guitars. When I grad I had limited money so I moved to Ohm, SAE and Technics and over the 25 years after various other brands including, CJ, ATI, Yamaha, Acurus, Blue Circle..most sounded good but didnt always last. About 10 years ago, I stumbled over some some gear, MA5100, MC250, Ohm Walsh and sent it all to be refurbed. Use it all to this day happily. WIth updates including some newer caps and transistors both amps sound very nice, a little warm but with detail, much improved resolution and more power than each claims. I have other gear from various manufacturers running in systems and swapped in and out but I always enjoy my Mac. Not the most resolving but sounds real. I used different preamps at different times and some were real eye openers especially CJ tubes. None Mac. THat may be the last thing I get to finish things off...although I do still think about how good that MC275 sounded AND how hot it ran. I can sell the Mac pieces and break even maybe even make a few bucks which i cant say about most of the other gear. Doesnt matter but it does say something about the products quality and durability and brand value. I have listened to some modern Mac and liked some pieces but not the prices as a retiree. I still do wonder about their MC352 and 252 hybrids but never heard them. The fact of remotes being included is attractive with a bad back. I think Mac is not for everyone, no brand is. It is all individual. I have heard Krell and Bryston and didnt get it. Same for Hegel which sounded dark to me. Listen to it and if you like the sound and price and aesthetics that is what matters for you. ALL audio is personal. Just like cars, houses, jewelry, music etc.