MC phono stage without transformer?

A newbie question:

I read a lot of 'reservation' about using an external MC step up transformer to increase the gain of an MM phono stage. But as I searched around for MC phono stages, I noticed that a lot of these actually have internal step-up transformers, some of these transformers are exactly the same as what some people used to make their external step-up.

So if transformer is no good, I should really be looking for an MC phono without the tranformer? Do these exist though?
Bent can not get the s&B trannies any more, that's why they are redesigning the MU.
MC stepup transformers introduce distortion based on hysteresis losses inherent in any inductive device. These distortions will mask a certain amount of detail and it is unavoidable.

In addition, the transformer, again like any inductive device, can ring, which is another kind of distortion (harmonic) that blocks detail and also makes things brighter. Ringing can be controlled to a certain degree by proper loading, but now things get a bit tricky as you have to make sure the cartridge is loaded properly as well. Of course you can ignore these things if you like but that means you won't get all the performance that the rig has to offer; its worth paying attention to.

OTOH there are phono sections that are completely MC capable; at least IME the very best stepup transformers are a degradation to the signal with such preamps. They are a great problem solver if your preamp is not already MC capable. worry.. I did a search and found that it's S&B trannies inside the Bent MU
I've used LOMC phono stages both with and without transformers. My transformer experience is limited unfortunately to only the Tron Seven I currently use. That being said, having compared it to another decent transformerless LOMC stage, (Pass Labs Xono), and IMO your transformer fears are unfounded.

The Seven sounded more realistic to me and was just as quiet as the Xono. I'm sure people will jump in and say they suck and mess up the music relative to a quality transformerless phono-stage but in my system based on what I've used, they do not.

Regardless of what people say, (me included), I'd just try to listen to whatever you can and not limit yourself based on a specific technology and buy what sounds good to you. Good luck.
Dan_ed, do you know what transformer is Bent Audio MU using? I was told that certain cartridge do not like certain transformer.
If you want to go cheap, but still get some quality contact this guy.

Al Gallacher

Otherwise known as anumber1 over on AA-vinyl.
Yep, if you want the best that is the one to consider. Hopefully, John will be shipping soon.
Do you mean the $875/pair as shown in this website?

I'll call up K&K to see what they have... if it only cost $350 then it's a no brainer to try.

You will want to use a sut. Depending on the gain of your pre your MM has pretty good gain, but it will sound closed in and tipped up. The sut will allow you to load the MC properly which will fixed the sound. It will also give you back more fine volume control.

K&K is a good recommendation.

Also, last time I talked with John Chapman of Bent Audio he was planning to start shipping the new MU sut replacement this July. If you are not familiar, the MU has been one of the highest regarded suts for several years. People don't usually part with them, even if they have an active MC gain stage.
There is nothing wrong with a transformer, but the Herron phonostage uses a jfet to boost the gain to 66dB. There are plenty of others that don't use transformers.
Why not get a step-up to see if you like the LOMC cartridge in your system. You can get a K&K Audio Lundahl step-up for about $350 (built) and it's easy to use with a plug n play resistor feature so you can easily change loads on the cartridge.
I currently have a MM phono stage (tube) with 50dB gain. I am using a cart with 2.6mV output. But I want to experiment with Low Output MC (like a Lyra Skala).
Yes, they do exist (I own one) and I bet all/most of them were developed using a step up as the benchmark. The external sut is still the most cost effective solution. There are things that have to be addressed. Such as loading, length of output cables, etc.
Personally, I've never used a transformer-based MC stage ("passive"). Basically, you can design an "active" phono stage to provide the requisite gain. But, as you add gain, you also add noise. In the case of a low output MC, you might not be able to get the necessary gain without too much noise, esp with tubes. It can be done though. I've run a relatively low output Ortofon Salsa thru my CJ PV-8 "MM" stage and it has plenty of gain (31 db linestage gain and 47 db phonostage gain).

That being said, others have used transformers in their setup to great effect. I don't think that all transformers are bad, but like everything else, some are better than others and some carts may mate with them better than others.
