MapleShade Samson V.2 and V.3 Equipment Racks

After 30 plus years in this crazy hobby I am finally looking at purchasing a good quality equipment rack. I've added a new turntable recently and am looking at some additional pieces and now I have started to run out of room to stack components.

Has anyone used the MapleShade Samson V2 or V3 racks? From online pictures they appear to be very nice. Like most everything else though they are a bit pricey... However, most likely they would be the last rack I ever buy. Leaning toward s the V3 so that I can add a second TT on top down the road. I would probably get the support rods custom cut to about 40" to facilitate the proper final height. Anyone have these or used them? Nice? Worth the big change?
I'm currently using the V.1 and V.2 racks. I've been very happy with them - excellent quality and virtually infinite adjustability. Happy to send you photos - feel free to email me.
A Mapleshade rack is on my wish list. I do have one of their platforms that I am currently using to support a power supply and outboard phono. I feel it offers a sonic improvement over the Polycrystal shelf it rests on. Mine has the cherrywood stain but it really doesn't look like cherry either in color or obviously grain.

The Adona looks interesting also, but after my negative experience with the Polycrystal, I'm hesitant to try a shelf with a hard material in it.

Everytime I see a lab photo where some guy's designing/building his amp, the stuff is on a workbench with formica surface over what I would guess is 3/4 plywood. Maybe that's the ultimate shelf since it seems like many amps are voiced sitting on that type of surface.
I am using a Mapleshade Samson V3. I am delighted with the performance and appearance of this A/V furniture. It is beautiful enough to satisfy my wife and it provides a stunning upgrade to the sound of my system.

I use a Wadia 860x SE with 2 Electrocompaniet 220 Watt Monoblocks driving Gallo Reference 3.5 speakers - a very revealing system. The upgrade was not subtle. The price performance considering the competition seemed to be unbeatable to me.

My rack tops out at about 40" and provides 8 spaces for components on the Cherry finished 2" shelves. It is a center piece in our living room.

Hope this helps. Daniel
Have you considered Steve Blinn Designs? He advertises here on this site. Stunning products and Steve is easy to communicate with.
02-03-10: Rhljazz
Everytime I see a lab photo where some guy's designing/building his amp, the stuff is on a workbench with formica surface over what I would guess is 3/4 plywood. Maybe that's the ultimate shelf since it seems like many amps are voiced sitting on that type of surface.

Now you've let the cat out of the bag!!! Now you can look forward to $2000.00 per sheet "audiophile" plywood at Home Depot and Lowes!!!