I have Duetta Signatures Beernut. I have solid state (Krell Ksa-250) or tube (Rogue M-120 Magnum) that I can use to drive them with...the Rogues drive the Apogees with ease, and of course the Krell will drive them even louder than I ever care to go.
The Apogees are truly full range (25hz-25khz) so even though I do have subs I don't use them at all for music.
I have a pair of VMPS Supertowers and a large VMPS sub in my hometheater (16hz) bottom end each...I don't miss that little extra at all for music playback...as a matter of fact, the Duetta bass is MUCH faster and real sounding.
I compared the Duetta Signatures and Maggie 3.6's when I was in the market a few years back.
The Apogees are truly full range (25hz-25khz) so even though I do have subs I don't use them at all for music.
I have a pair of VMPS Supertowers and a large VMPS sub in my hometheater (16hz) bottom end each...I don't miss that little extra at all for music playback...as a matter of fact, the Duetta bass is MUCH faster and real sounding.
I compared the Duetta Signatures and Maggie 3.6's when I was in the market a few years back.